To the End of Sweet Revenge


Finishing our show I ran off the stage, we had played well but at the same time I knew that Jay was pissed off at me and I hated when my girls were angry, I was the leader of the group and I was also the one causing the problems, I needed her to understand what I needed to do.

She had no idea what it felt like to be humiliated in front of them people, photo’s showing off you in various types and having people laugh at you, I still saw people snickering at me like I deserved it. And to me I didnt, yes I’d dedicated a song but I hadnt locked anyone in a bathroom before thinking that no one cared about you.

Feeling like your lost because someone feels it’s ok to make you feel like shit when fuck I already did. I wasnt a BAD person but I knew this was going to make me out to be one, I just really wanted to teach Gerard a lesson. It had to be done and I was for sure going to go through with it.

Maybe I’d loose friends or be looked upon as a disgrace but that hadnt come in the equation and I wasnt going to let it.

Seeing Gerard I walked over as he was talking to Chester and Mike from LP. Smiling towards them the waved and left.
Linking my arm in with Gerard’s I smiled. “So you ready to have some fun?”

“Yeh sure..What are we doing?” He asked

“Well my little friend that’s the surprise, you will have to wait and see”

Gerard smiled as we walked together, not saying a word. Just enjoying the serenity. Going behind the buses there was a quiet area that had seats that no one was sitting at, with my hand I dragged Gerard over to the table and placed him down. He looked at me suspeciously but yet said nothing. It was funny cause his facial expressions gave away everything.

“So um Dakota, What are doing?” Gerard asked.

“Well I thought you and I could play a little game” I replied in a suducting voice.

Gerard’s eyes watched me as I moved closer towards him not saying anything I moved my body as it swayed and continued to get closer, I knew that sex was going to be his weakness not that he would be getting any from me.

“Ahh Dakota...What are you doing?” Gerard asked questioningly.

“Going to have some fun, don’t you want to have fun?”

“In the open..Um I don’t know” Gerard replied. I could see that he was getting uncomfortable and I was liking it.

“Aren’t I attractive to you?”

He didnt reply I could see he was trying to contemplate everything in his head and I knew that he wasn’t sure which answer to give me. Either way I was going to twist it.


Throwing my hands up in the air, I knew it was time for the game to begin, this was just going to be the icing on the cake. “Great you think I’m ugly, I thought you liked me. No one ever likes me” I yelled wailing.

Seeing Gerard move, He got up and walked towards me where he grabbed me in his arms. Looking in to his eyes you could see that Gerard wasnt sure how to react. “Dakota you are attractive woman”

Looking at him I smiled, this was going to be fun, pretending I liked him more then he thought was funny enough but I had more.

“Have you ever been in love?” I asked

“Once” Gerard said with uneasiness in his voice.

“What was her name?”

“Eliza” he replied.

I’d just found the loop that I needed.

“What happened?”

“It didnt work our lives were heading to different places” Gerard mumbled.

From there I knew that there was so much more he was holding back and this I could see I was going to use to my advantage. Boy was this going to be fun.

Gerard may have had his heart broken once but I was going to make sure that it was broken forever.