To the End of Sweet Revenge

Come Out, Come out

Dakota’s POV

After our set had finished we were ushered to a meet and greet along with our first ever televised interview with Fuse TV. We were going to be in the segment of up and coming bands along with an interview.

Which was somehow making me very nervous as I was trying to contemplate what questions were going to be asked.
oco was super excited as she loved TV and now was going to be on it, Mac I could see that she wasn’t too impressed as she hated all forms of camera's.

At the meet and greet with our sitting arrangements, I was placed next to Jay. Not happy with this occurrence, I switched places with Mac so that as of now I would be up one end and Jay would been down the other end with Mac and Coco dividing us.

Coco and I looked towards one another and smiled, she was aware of what was happening between Jay and I, however I hadn’t told her the latest news which I'd be sure to and Mac as well.

The meet and greet went off with out a hitch, it was great to interact with the fans and finally get my mind off everything that had been occurring over these last few weeks.

I felt like I was going insane and to have everything shut off while I concentrated on the fans and what they had to say was truly overwhelming, and it made me realise that my band’s music was slowly making a difference, especially for the young fans that were attracted to our music.

After finishing the meet and greet, and finally saying good bye to everyone. I headed back to the tour bus where I was looking forward to relax, even it was for only a few minutes as soon we would have our TV interview and that was rather exciting.

Jay’s POV

The way that Dakota was incredibly selfish and how she couldn’t sit next to me, pissed me off even further. She had no idea what was coming to her, but I was going to expose her and show everyone who she truly was.

Leaving the meet and greet where I’d actually had fun interacting with the fans, but as soon as I saw Dakota storm off I knew that was now my chance to grab her laptop.

So as though I could show Gerard who she was for real, and that she wasnt here for a relationship but to be a heartless bitch.

To me Dakota was no longer the person I knew, just a shell of the person I’d once admired so much. But now she was just pure evil and I hated it.

Walking over to the bus I walked in where I saw that no one was there, going over to the bunks I pretended to go through my stuff that I still had on there.

While also looking through Dakota’s stuff for her laptop, seeing that no one was around I opened it up and sifted through her word documents where I came across the shit she had written about Gerard.

Quickly I attached it to an email and waited for it to send sending...sending...sent

Knowing that I had what I need to destroy Dakota’s plan and put her back in her place, I smiled to myself as I put everything back how it was, and left.

Off the bus I saw Dakota walking towards me, quickly I bolted not wanting to have a confrontation with her yet again.
I was going to leave that until I told Gerard everything that night

Dakota’s POV

Seeing Jay walk away I didnt know what to think, I was sure that she’d seen me. But at the same I didnt care if she wanted to be a bitch then so be it.

As I thought about it I was better at making enemies and if jay didnt want to be my friend and wanted to leave the band.

Then I didnt care...I wasnt going to care about anyone besides myself, as I thought myself I felt I deserved it.

Though Coco I’d never hurt she was the best person in the whole entire world with a heart of gold, and Mac she was great too. I could never see either of them double crossing me like Jay was.

If Jay wanted BITCH well then I was gonna bring it.

Where as for Gerard by the end of this week he was gonna have nothing, his heart would be torn and I however would come out victorious!

The game was back on and I was ready for a fight. Nothing was going to stop me whether anyone thought I was crazy or not. I truly didnt care. Maybe Grace had returned and the thing was I was starting to like the person that she had evolved to become.

So if Dakota wasn’t too good at it, I knew Grace would tear everything apart and destroy all that she could, Vengeance was in her blood along with revenge and I was happy for her to take over.

{soz it's a lil short...more of a filler but at the same time i felt it was needed. please enjoy :-) }