To the End of Sweet Revenge

Missing Friendship

Grace’s POV

Waking the next morning, I woke to Gerard holding him in my arms. Trying to squeeze out of his grasp it was of no use, I was stuck there unable to move, but wanting to. Looking towards him he looked so sweet that I didnt have a heart to wake him.

The words he had told me had been playing on my mind all night and I was unable to get rid of them.

It was as though every thing needed to stop it was like deep inside I had a conscious and it was telling me to stop.

I’d never heard the words that Gerard had said to me before, I always thought that when it came to love it didnt really exist, that after what happened to me. All I deserved was my music, never to find love. To live a life of loneliness.

But Gerard was making me to see the difference even if he didnt know it, there was something that I felt for him that I just couldnt shake away. Slowly I was allowing him to enter my life and give him my heart.

But I couldnt I needed to destroy, I didnt deserve happiness and neither did he, he deserved a life of misery and heartbreak. Gerard had to be my target to show that all men were scum nothing more nothing less.

Feeling the anger overcome me I felt relief, I didnt want these feelings of guilt, I didnt need them nor want them.

Pushing Gerard off of me, he rolled over and clung to the blanket as I got out, seeing no one was up I made myself a cup of coffee.

My peace was short lived as Jay rolled out of bed, looking like a truck had hit her, saying nothing. To me she was no longer a friend but a pest especially as she had told me she was leaving the band.

Looking towards me she shot daggers which I happily gave back.

Jay’s POV

Looking towards Dakota I was still pissed but at the same time, she looked like a complete mess, I knew the real Dakota and this certainly wasnt her, I had no idea what to think. As a friend I wanted to be there to know what was wrong and to try and help her.

She had no idea that I’d told Gerard and I knew if she found out shit would hit the fan, my best thing was now to stay out of it and let them sought it out themselves, which I knew was just going to end in heartbreak for both of them.

Some how I just wanted Dakota to realize what she was doing was wrong, but now that Gerard knew he had so whacked idea that I was going to help him bring Dakota down and then thing is I wasnt going to.

Regardless she was my friend and I wouldn’t hurt her intentionally. Even if she was being the biggest bitch of all time.

It was gonna be great being on our own bus, hopefully Dakota and I could talk and soothe things out, I loved her like a sister and I hated that we were fighting, I just wanted this terrible problem to go away.

Sitting down, Dakota sipped her cup of coffee while looking out the window and paying absolutely no attention to me what so ever. At this stage I knew to stay away from her, but I couldnt help but wonder what she was thinking about as the bus drove to our next location.

I couldnt believe we had been on this tour for nearly for weeks, it was going along ok, when I wasnt near Dakota nor having to hear from Gerard what he wanted to do.

I actually enjoyed myself, thinking of nothing else but the music and being on stage, performing was where my heart lay...but with all this crap it was truly putting a dampener on it and that indeed did suck.

Eventually everyone got up and watching Gerard walked directly over to Dakota who had not spoken a word to me for the whole morning, wrapped his arms around her giving her a small kiss on the lips.

It was so funny as Dakota had no idea that Gerard knew and seeing him act like that and herself act like a ditz it was actually entertaining.

Eventually we made it to the next stop in Mansfield MA, I felt like that all we were doing was performing and going on a tour bus, I was looking forward to sleeping in a proper bed and actually being a girly girl where I could go out and get drunk.

And tonight was going to be the night, we were staying in a hotel in Massachusetts.

As to New Jersey it was only a four hour drive, we’d just be leaving early the following morning and it was back to good old Jersey were this bus minus Bob hailed from.

The rest of the breezed by very quickly and after getting up on the stage and playing my guitar I was in love, my favorite song to play was never return, even though Dakota had written the song.

I’d come up with the music and I found that from the both of us we had a great song, which our label had also decided was going to be the first song off our album and that when the tour was finished we were going to shoot the video.

But at the same time I felt I wasnt going to be there for it as I wasnt going to go back on my word/threat to Dakota.

Grace’s POV

Finally it was time to relax, I’d promised Gerard that I was going to watch his show and then after that well I was going to start my fun finally with Frank, I was gonna get him right where I needed him to be.

Frank was gonna be another conquest and the poor little soul would be hurt by it, but in the end the most damage would be left for Gerard.