To the End of Sweet Revenge

How To Hurt Each Other

Grace’s POV

The evening had come and it was time for Grace to truly come out and play. Frank was gonna be mine, and no one would be able to say anything.

Getting to the hotel it was great as tomorrow I’d be back on my own bus with my crew and the pain would be setting in for Gerard or so I hoped anyway.

Walking in to the hotel lobby, I made sure to wait for Coco as she was with Frank as they were planning on having a drinking fest in our room which sounded great as I knew with the alcohol it would be the best time to get to Frank.

Finally arrived linked in arms, giggling like a bunch of school girls.

“Dakka, your joining us aren’t you?” Coco asked.

“Of course I am?” I replied with a sweet smile.

“Well cause Gee say’s he has other plans for the both of you.”

“Oh...well guess there cancelled now, cause I aint missing a free piss up.”

“Fucking awesome.” Coco replied as she placed her hand up for a high five which I gave.

Finding our way to the lifts we pressed the button and waited and with in that time, Gerard had found us and slid his arm around my waist.

“So I hear you wanted to make plans for us?”

“Yeh” Gerard said nodding.

“Cant...the girls are having drinks and I really wanna be there.”

“Oh.” Gerard replied as though he was crushed by my answer.

“Have you already planned them?”

“Yeh” He said nodding.

“Well seeing it means that much...I can always drink later.”

“Trust me after I’ve finished with you, you want me moving anywhere.” Gerard said with a glint of evil in his eyes.

I now really wanted to know what he had planned and hoped it wasnt anything romantic and mushy. I had my game face on and I intended to keep it that way. I didnt need to hear them words not I knew it would hit me and the guilt would yet over take me.

Finally entering the room I slumped on the bed as Coco looked at me.

“Dakota is everything ok?”

“Why you ask Coco?”

“Well you seem different and I don’t know I guess I’m just a little worried.”

“Coco don’t worry about it, I’m fine I promise.” I replied as I lied.


An hour or so had passed as it was now just past 9pm, knocking on Gerard’s door I waited for an answer. Frank and Bob along with Ray were already in my room with Mac and Coco drinking.

I was hating it as I couldnt enjoy the fun and I needed to be there to get to Frank, but no I was standing outside Gerard’s door. How complicated life was becoming for me.

Slowly the door opened and I could hear faint soft classical music playing, the lights were dimmed and as I entered I felt two hands go over my eyes.

“Gerard is that you?” I whispered.

I was not ready for this and I could automatically feel the guilt rush though my veins.


Nothing was said as I was guided to the middle of the room or so I thought.

Gerard’s POV

Moving Dakota to the middle of the room, she looked beautiful. I hated to think that she didnt really like me and was only here as she wanted to break my heart. Well I was going to give Dakota a piece of her own medicine.

To show her what real love was and then tear it away from her.

I knew she’d been through hell after the talk’s I’d had with Jay and also with Coco, which Dakota had no idea about.

Coco had gone in to more depth on how Dakota was once she returned after she had been attacked and how she had bottled everything up and never really spoke about the situation again.

How Dakota felt she would never find love ever again, and I was going to use that to my ability to show Dakota that she would never have love again. I wasnt a callous person, but Dakota needed to be taught a lesson.
She needed to feel the pain that she was trying to put me through.

It was hard because all I wanted was for more then anything was for this to all just disappear where we could start all over again, but it wasnt to be what stood in front of me was a sick twisted person.

Who really needed help, but I just needed to bring her down another peg, I knew that seemed that I was acting like how she was, but who wouldn’t especially after they found out the woman they were really ready to give their heart to was just a cold hearted bitch.

Only thinking of her needs and no one else’s.

Dakota’s POV (this is meant to be like this)

After Gerard had lifted his hands off of me what I could see was just so beautiful, in front was a beautiful table with a candle burning from it, and a bottle of red along with non alcoholic wine as well.

Gerard was being so nice to me and I didnt deserve it, I was this cold heartless bitch wanting to hurt someone who really truly cared for me and I was ready just to throw it all away just for a little satisfaction.

I couldnt be Grace anymore, I needed to stop. He loved me and I cared for him so much that I just wasnt sure what to do.

“Oh Gerard this is beautiful...a romantic night in...Wow” I whispered.

“This is for the woman I love.” Gerard replied politely.

It was crushing me the way I had acted, I needed to stop to be the strong person that I was, the feelings I had were love, I couldn’t throw this away. I needed it more then anything. He needed to know the truth and I was going to come clean.

