To the End of Sweet Revenge

Death Is In The Midst

Terror was running through me as I tried to study where I was, trying to move I couldn’t trying to move my arms all I could feel was that they were stuck, unable to move I did the only thing that I could think of and that was to start to scream.

I could hear the walls around me echo with my voice but there was nothing else, tears were falling down my face as I tried to regain my composure but I was literally scared shitless having no idea where I was and worst of all I knew who my captor was.

My past had finally caught up to me yet again as I had tried to bury it, it was only meant to be a distant memory not happening again, I couldn’t let it. I needed to escape, I was too young to die...there was more to life for me.

Struggling with the tape that was construed around my arms I twisted and turned trying to wriggle free but it was of no use, I was in a dark place all by myself, my hell was here in live motion, this was where I was going to die.

Sitting for what seemed like ages I could see that my clothes were still attached to my body, which for me I was grateful for, I didn’t want that fucker near me ever again, trying to stand up it was of no use, as my feet touched the ground.

Pain seared through my body, I had no idea where it was coming from but It was so excruciating that I cringed at moving again.

Yelling yet again, this time I waited for a response but still got nothing. “Where are you, you fucker...I’ll kill you I swear” I yelled full of anger.

Then it came that soft whisper that sounded so evil. “Gracie...I have you, it’s going to be your time to die.”

Shivers ran down my spine as I tried to see where the voice was coming from. “You’re a sick fucko...people will be looking for me and then you will be gone.”

“That may happen dear Grace, but you will be dead before anyone finds you.”

“I don’t what you want...” I yelled trying to hide my fear.

“Oh I intend to don’t you worry there.” The voice screamed back at me.

And then it disappeared, not to be heard for some time, until a light was turned on and he was standing before me with that infamous black mask he had worn the first time he had ever layed eyes on me. Memories came flooding back of the torment I had lived and was scared I was going to have to relive.

The shiny objects had returned and this time I could make them out to be some form of sharp blades, I knew it was going to hurt but I needed to be strong if I was going to survive.

My plan was for this fucker to go down, if anything I really didn’t have a plan I was too scared to even think of anything, I just wanted this terrible nightmare to end.

Looking towards him, I could see his lips curl in to a smile as he traced his fingers along the sharp blades that had now been placed on to a table.

Courage started to overcome me. “Oh my god, this is soo old, knifes you wanna cut me go ahead, but didn’t you do that last time, haven’t got any new routines?” I yelled sarcastically.

He stared straight at me and then spoke “Well Grace, I’m surprised, I didn’t think I’d see this side of you.”

“Well it’s only just started, so when your ready just fucking CUT me already.”

Before I knew it, he had plunged a knife deep in to my upper thigh which made me howl in pain, through gritted teeth I screamed, letting out the pain that was being held from within.

“Did you like that Gracie?” he asked as he cut the tape off of my wrists as I slumped to the floor, and curling in to a ball, I could feel the blood oozing out my leg, like a drink that had spilled over you.

Looking up I wanted to make sure that I could face him, to show him I wasn’t afraid, I was willing to die if this would finally come to an end, but then it hit me...I needed to be here for my family, my friends and most of all Gerard.

He was the one and I wouldn’t loose him not again. Trying to lift myself my, he could see what I was doing so placed his foot on my back and pushed me down.

Only this made me more determined to survive, trying to get up yet again, this time I grabbed hold of his leg from the self defence classes I had taken and made him fall to the ground where I proceeded to punch him in the face while yelled.

“You stupid asshole, your going to die, I’m going to KILL you.”

Tugging at the mask I started to pull it off as we both fought on the ground, he started to deliver blow after blow to my face and abdomen area, but I was stronger, maybe it was adrenaline kicking it, I didn’t know. But I was here and I was back.

No one was going die besides that asshole.

Once again as he tried to push me away I grabbed at his mask to finally once and for all get that proper look at my captor, punching him in the head, he stumbled backwards as I tore the mask off of his face.

Standing there for what seemed like an eternity, I didn’t see what was coming as I felt a sharp object plunge in to my chest area, pain seared through me quickly as it all started to get woozy very quickly.

“’s you but why?” I asked as I fell down and it all went black around me.