To the End of Sweet Revenge

Hands held High

Ray’s POV

48 hours had passed and we had heard nothing bout Dakota and if the cops or the FBI had any leads.

Poor Gerard was going out of his mind with worry, what made it worse was that he was determined to find her but after searching different locations he was coming up empty handed.

It seemed to make Gerard sink further in to oblivion. It was crushing to see him be dealt blow after blow. Dakota's family had been informed; her parents who were divorced were standing united awaiting the safe return of their daughter.

That in itself was heart wrenching to watch and I couldn’t even imagine the pain that they were going through. All anyone wanted was for the safe return of Dakota.

Walking away I went to see what everyone else was doing, it was hard to get clearance to move anywhere as the police and FBI had commandeered the whole level and were only allowing limited access.

Finding Frank, Coco and Bob they were sitting at a table in one of the rooms that we had been given access to. I decided to join them but was taken back by what they were saying.

Joining then during the midst of their conversation Coco spoke. “Let’s face it she could be dead." Coco explained as she shuddered at the words that were coming out of her mouth.

"Yeh I know" Frank nodded in agreement.

"Guys we need to be positive for Dakota, her family and especially Gerard."

"Ray I know what you saying but we have to look at both sides" Bob replied trying to be neutral.

I personally had my own thoughts and as the time went by it seemed like it was becoming real. Not that I wanted anything to happen to Dakota because I didn’t.

She was a sweet girl when she wasn’t psycho.

But all that aside she had captured the lead singer of our band's heart and it was great to finally see him happy after what he had gone through with Eliza.

More time passed and there was still no change, Gerard was literally pulling his hair out sitting there, shaking not sure of what to do.

All of a sudden he got up from where he was sitting and trotted over to the bar fridge when opening the door, Frank could see exactly what he was doing.

"Gee don’t do it."

"What do you want me to do, she's not fucking here" Gerard screamed.

Looking over I could see that Gerard now had placed in the palm of his hands a couple of bottles of alcohol, which all hotels generally supplied.

"Gerard come on, she wouldn’t want you to be like this, she needs you to be there for her." I said as I started to move forward.

"What's the point, she's dead now anyways…all they will be looking for is a body" Gerard
yelled towards me with anger in his voice.

"Gerard you can’t think that please…I know Dakota and she's a fighter, the police they will find her and then you will be kicking yourself, for acting like this." Coco said as she moved from where she was sitting and placed her hands out for Gerard to place the alcohol there.

Rather Gerard moved backwards, grasping on to the alcohol, trying to open one with tears started to fall from his eyes.

"Gerard you don’t need to do this please" Coco pleaded.

"Dakota needs you to be strong for her, not the alcohol." I replied.

"Gee don’t you dare, not after you have worked so hard…" The voice came from the doorway, when properly looking we could all see that it was Mikey. He had finally made it here.

"Mikey" Gerard whispered as he walked over to his brother who grabbed him in to a brotherly hug.

As Gerard locked arms with his brother, you could see the hear ache as he trembled. It made me sad how lucky I was to have the love of my life waiting back for me in Jersey.

Mac’s POV

Sitting with Jay I could do nothing we both felt worthless it was the worst feeling ever, and I just wanted it all to disappear. I knew Dakota was out there and I was praying she was still alive, I just wanted to kill the bastard that was behind all of this. What made it worse that we had no idea who so rather there was this crazed lunatic out there harming our best friend.

Jeff had been a big help and ultra supportive, he was there when we needed him. Even if he was our manager he was also our friend looking out for our best interests. He had even been out looking for Dakota, trying to help as much as he could.

However today he looked like utter shit, as if though a cat had attacked his face, like he had finally been pushed over the edge.
Assuming it was the tension I completely understood I’d been feeling the same way, wanting Dakota to be alive but having the doubts that she could actually already be dead. As callous as it sounded I needed to think realistically. I wanted the truth.

The cops and FBI had been feeding us small amounts of information, just not what we wanted to hear.
Time was drifting by when I noticed Jeff get up and leave the room. Following him something just didn’t seem right.

“Jeff where are you going?” I asked.

“I just need some air” he muttered as he hurriedly walked off out of sight.

Walking back in to the room, there was something I felt I just couldn’t put my mind to it, so rather I decided to shake it away. I needed to focus my energy on Dakota being located.

Dakota’s POV

Opening my eyes it was all dark around me as the pain shot through my body, moving my hand I placed it to my chest and as I pressed I could feel the pain surge through my body. Trying to remember what had happened to me it all came back to me the fight, the pulling of the mask.

The face, them evil brown eyes, it was all coming back the face I had recognised. Why had be done this to me. What had I ever done to him. Nothing but rather he was hell bent on torturing me. Wanting for me to die.

Trying to move, the pain was unbearable but I needed to move, to get out of here. There was no way I was going to die here. Never to be found always lost. Slowly I found my feet though the pain in my leg and chest was unbearable but I knew I had to be strong, I’d survived and I was going to survive again.

Unable to see anything, I knew there had to be a light switch somewhere, if he was still on the floor I needed to see where he was. Feeling the walls I came across it pretty quickly. Gazing around I was back where it all ever started.
Which meant that I had to be in Jersey. Looking towards the door I treaded over to it, as I pulled at the door it was locked.

Looking around I wanted to see if there were any sharp objects, but there was nothing.

Before I knew it I could see the door handle move, he was back and there was nothing that I could attack so rather I waited to confront him.

It didn’t take long as he walked in holding what looked like to be a gun.

Staring at him I was no longer afraid, rather hate was boiling through my blood. He was going to die I was going to make sure of it.
Looking up at me he no longer wore the mask that had always covered his face, there was a smile across his face as he looked me up and down.

“I see your awake.” he said as he smirked.

Rather I said nothing waiting for his next move, if I was to die I was going to go down with a fight.

“Love the face” I replied trying to smile.

“Oh Gracie...your little smart comments really mean nothing to me. Your time is up.” he said as he raised the gun up to my chest area.

“Really now JEFF, have you finally grown some balls?” I yelled as I spat in to his face.

As he raised his arm that held the gun, I felt it impact with the side of my face, stumbling backwards, I spat the blood that had welled up in my mouth and spat it out.

“Is that all you have Jeff?” I yelled “Stop being a fucking pansy!”

I knew this was going to piss him off even further but I didn’t care, it was the only tactic that I had and I needed it to work.

“Gracie my now be a good girl.”

“Fuck you!”

“We have already done that, didn’t you have fun, the way I pounded in to you, took your innocence.” he gushed while still pointing the gun directly at me.

“Why are you doing this for...what did I ever do to you, we were meant to be friends.” I screamed losing my temper.

“It is your turn for a little payback, ain’t life a bitch” he said as he moved forward. “Get on your knees and BEG for your life” he screamed as he waved the gun around but making sure it still pointed at me.

I could feel it in my bones my time was coming to an end, I just needed to keep him talking, so that I could try to escape.

“Jeff please don’t do this, it doesn’t need to end this way” I said as I could feel the tip of the gun rested on the back of my head as the tears now started to tremble down my face.

“Jeff talk to me, why are you doing this please.” I asked trying to plead for my life.

“You’re a pathetic bitch who deserves to die and I’m going to make sure of it.” he screamed.

I had no idea what to do next, terror was once again reigning over and I was so scared. I didn’t want to die, I needed to live. It was my right as a human to live. I had no idea why Jeff was doing this and to me of all people he was meant to be my friend.

But the worst of it I had trusted him with my life, confided in him with my deepest secrets and now here he was wanting to kill me.

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please comment tell me what you think, i like all types of feedback.