More Than Lost

The Fourth Shot.

Alex whimpered, leaving Sinead without an answer. A few of the cannibal’s surrounded them, one reaching out to grab Sinead. She stared at his hand, wide eyed, and smacked it away out of reflex. The cannibal growled in anger and Sinead’s eyes grew wider. She looked over to Alex for instructions, for she was scared and confused.

Alex looked at her with his big green eyes, “Run!” he screeched. He then grabbed Sinead’s wrist and pushed his way through the cannibal’s circle type thing. The cannibal’s stood there, stumped. Obviously, nothing like this had happened before. It was only a few seconds after when one let out a battle cry and they all charged after the two.

Alex and Sinead continued to run, trying their best to forget that they had a hoard of cannibal’s chasing after them. Alex turned to Sinead, who was running at the same pace beside him. “Which way do we go?” he said. His breathing was heavy from running so hard and fast.

“I don’t remember,” she said back, panic filling her blue eyes. Alex’s eye matched hers as they continued to run through the forest aimlessly.

Sinead began to slow down and Alex could feel his legs grow tired. It was getting darker and darker by the minute, which made it hard to see. They could officially say that they were lost, but there was no time to stop and find their way back to familiar spot. They could still here the cries of the cannibal’s not too far behind them.

“Oh my god,” Sinead said, her breathing heavier than before. Alex looked over at her in confusion. “What is it?” He said, his heart was pounding and his chest was starting to hurt.

“I see the shore,” She said, excitement filling her eyes. Alex looked ahead of them, and sure enough there was the shore in all its glory. A smile made its way to Alex’s face and he pushed himself to run harder and faster. Sinead wasn’t too far behind when he reached the small raft that they had previously made.

“Hurry, get on.” Alex said as her pushed the raft out into the water. Sinead jumped onto the raft and looked out into the forest. Just as Alex jumped onto the raft the cannibal’s emerged from the forest. She expected them to stop, seeing as they we’re almost out to the point where you could no longer touch the ocean floor with your toes.

But, they didn’t. They continued to run towards the shore line and into the ocean. “Paddle, damn it, paddle!” Sinead screamed grabbing one of the paddles and frantically paddled as fast as her sore arms would let her. Alex looked up at her in confusion and then followed her line of vision. Alex’s eyes grew just as wide, if not wider, as Sinead’s and grabbed the extra paddle and began to follow Sinead’s actions.

They cannibal’s were going to stop at nothing, they wanted some food, and they were determined to get it. Alex and Sinead were now almost halfway back there and could barely see the cannibal’s, but they could tell that they were still swimming after them. The fact that they were following them scarred them to now end. They had to get back to the other and leave as soon as possible.

They pulled up to the beach and pulled the raft up to the dry sand so it wouldn’t float away. Alex ran over to the three sleeping forms, screaming loudly. Alexis woke first, being the lightest sleeper, “What?” she growled sitting up.

“We have to leave!” Sinead screamed from behind Alex as they neared the three. Luke and Elise woke as well and looked over at Alex and Sinead as if they were crazy. “Why would we have to leave?” Elise asked as Luke stretched and his bones popped.

Alex and Sinead both tried to catch their breath before screaming “Cannibals!”

That got everyone’s attention.
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I was kind of confused on the part if the cannibal's had spotted them yet or not. Sooo, I just made it to where they had.