Status: Comeplete

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Blackstarr101: I'm so sorry about what happened yesterday.

Please Hollywood talk to me please?

I'm really sorry I had no idea that any of that shit was going to happen.

Please don't tell me that's gonna affect our relationship. I don't want it to. I'm so sorry.


Blackstarr101: Why what?

Hollywooddead998: Why didn't you tell me you did drugs? That's like one of the first things you should tell a person.

Blackstarr101: 2 reasons. One being every person I've met on here is usually a druggie. And two if you weren't, I didn't want you to run off.

Hollywooddead998: Whatever.

Blackstarr101: Please don't hold this against me. I'm so sorry about what happened.

Hollywooddead998: You should be.

Blackstarr101: I am. I really am. Just please please forgive me? I...I love you Holly I do. I don't want to lose you. This is the closest I've been to anyone in a really long time.

Please forgive?

I'm really really sorry.

Hollywooddead998: Why would you need me. You've got your jonky friends.

Blackstarr101: I could care less about getting high or whatever. But I care about you.

Hollywooddead998: More Bull Shit?

Blackstarr101: No. Not bull shit! I swear! God Holly I'm so sorry. I'd give it all up for you though. Know that. I'd give up where I live my friends getting high all of it. Just for you.

Hollywooddead998: Easier said then done. Bull shit is the last thing I want right now.

Blackstarr101: I'm not bull shitting you Hollywood I swear. Please, please forgive me.

Hollywooddead998: Explain to me what there is to forgive you for.

Blackstarr101: Me breaking my promise of you having a good time. Letting you get hurt. Leaving you alone (even though you said to I shouldn't have left you alone. It was a dangerous mistake) Causing you pain possibly physically and emotionally.

Hollywooddead998: That's a lot to forgive.

Blackstarr101: I know. I'm aware. But I am sorry. Please Holly forgive me? I don't think I've ever felt so strongly about someone like the way I do for you. Don't just leave me please?

Hollywooddead998: You act like we were together.

Blackstarr101: I wanted us to be. I still do.

Please forgive me?

Come on Holly how many times are you gonna make me say I'm sorry?

Hollywooddead998: I'm not making you do shit. Just like how those "friends" of yours weren't making you get high. Why did you do it anyway?

Blackstarr101: Those guys are my only friends. I've got no one else. I'm basically...

Hollywooddead998: A loner?

Blackstarr101: I guess.

Hollywooddead998: That's how I felt. Until I met you. When we started talking I felt like you and I had something...something special between us. But then you went and fucked it all up.

Blackstarr101: I know and I'm sorry. Please forgive me? Please.

Hollywooddead998: Ok.

Blackstarr101: Ok?

Hollywoddead998: I forgive you.

Blackstarr101: Oh my god! I love you so much Hollywood! Please say we can still hang out again?

Hollywooddead998: Yeah we can.

Blackstarr101: This weekend?

Hollywooddead998: Yeah. But you're coming up to see me.

Blackstarr101: Sure of course

Hollywooddead998: And one more thing.

Blackstarr101: Yeah? What is it?

Hollywooddead998: I love you too

Blackstarr101: I bet I love you more.

Hollywooddead998: Haha yeah sure you do :]

Blackstarr101: Yeah, I do <3 :)
♠ ♠ ♠
Final Comments?

From beginning to end, Chu like :)?

(I enjoy when people give me details ;D)