Status: active

Giving In To the Enemy

Oh, Father of Mine

City lights surrounded me, their different colors blinding me even through my dark tinted windows of my Jaguar. Although it didn't hurt my eyes as I was used to lights like these that I had seen all over the world. Turning my head to face the front of the car I watched my chauffeur, Mike, maneuver fluidly through the crowded streets of New Jersey.

Slowly I slumped in my seat just wanting to fall asleep forever and dream for a lifetime, though that would never happen. As sleep was beginning to creep up on me we pulled up to an expensive and luxurious restaurant that I was told to meet my father. I grumbled to myself before letting Mike open up my door. "Call me when you want to be picked up Miss. Cunnings," Mike said closing my door once I had climbed out. "Okay," was all I said before going to the doors which were opened by the doorman.

Once inside I strutted my way to the hostess, my face emotionless as I learned to never show how I really feel in front of others. "Can I help you?" the hostess asked in a snobby voice obviously new and thinking me for any other teenager. "Yes, I'm here to meet Mr. Cunnings, he's my father," I stated back in the same tone. Her face scrunched and she moved from behind the podium, "right this way." I followed her to a small table in the back, secluded from the rest of the people in the restaurant.

A man I knew too well sat at the table, his hands clasped together in front of him as he stared hard at a file of papers that sat on the table with his evergreen eyes I had inherited from him. "Father," I said as I walked to the seat across from him. He looked up and forced a smile on his hard face, "Kate, how are you?" I also forced a smile, "I'm good, although I know you didn't call me to just have lunch halfway across the country."

He shook his head before grabbing the file and handing it to me. "This is your latest assignment that I thought would be best for you." I nodded as I laid the file down in front of me, I would look at it in a moment. "A man known by the name of Lyle Strong is a huge designer in electronics and works for Dynamic Designs. We have received some information that he is planning something big that might cause the world some trouble." My father took a breathe before continuing. "Now his daughter, Arianna, is a big fan of that boy band, The Jonas Brothers, who are going to spend a week with Lyle's family the week of the release of Dynamic Designs new product. This product is said to hold a micro chip that could very well lead to the destruction of the world as we know it."

"But does the Jonas Brothers have to do with anything?" I asked, just wanting him to get to the point. "The agency needs you to become so close to them that you go with them to Lyle's home, where were sure you'll find any information that could stop this." Biting my lip I thought this over, "but how in the world am I suppose to meet the Jonas Brothers? Aren't they like some big international superstars or something?"

"Its your assignment, I'm sure you'll figure something out, Kate. You are my best agent, aren't you?" I nodded before my father motioned for a waiter to come and get our orders. After our meeting and lunch, I called Mike and waited for him patiently outside. Mike then pulled up only seconds later and I entered the car quickly. On the way to my family's apartment here in Jersey I looked through the file. A various selection of things were inside; where the Jonas family and Lyle Strong would be on certain dates, all their information, a list of contacts, etc.

"Miss Cunnings were here," Mike said before turning to me, "do you need me to pick you up anymore today?" I shook my head, "not tonight, although I will need you here by 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon." He nodded before getting out and opening my door once again. I thanked him and walked to the classy looking apartment building. Once inside the person at the front desk said hello to me and handed me a pair of keys, knowing that I was Katelyn Cunnings.

After going up 24 floors, I reached the pen house, the top floor. Entering the apartment I walked straight to my room. It was a bit plain, but I never really did stay in one place for long due to my job. Although now due to my job, I had to become close the to the Jonas Brothers. I didn't hate them or anything, I like their music, but they seem so fake to me. Like they pull that "I'm pure, I've never done anything I'm not suppose to it" and its annoying. But if its for my job then I am defiantly not going to jeopardize my career just, because I don't like them.

Quickly I changed into more comfortable clothes that were already there, pulling my hair out its nice looking half ponytail. After that I flopped on the bed and let sleep take me away for awhile. I would think of a plan later, once I got in some sleep I couldn't get on the way here from Arizona.
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Hellos readers c:
This is my first fanfic on this site and its going to be a triangle just so you all know. Also if someone wants they can be Kevin's fiance', all you have to do is message me with some info on your person and pic of what she looks like.

Also I noticed a lot of people on this site used polyvore and it seems to be better for me to describe clothes and such so I'll be putting a lot of those links in my stories for now on.
Kate's outfit