Status: Complete

I Get Ass


Why is it that I can get any girl to sleep with me, but the guys always play hard to get. They know they want me I mean I know they want me so like let's just fucking do it. I find it pretty hysterical when my parents walk in to my bedroom at night and see some random girl or guy lying up under me. They just give me that shock/ disturbed face the slowly close the door. Bastards. I know they call me a man whore behind my back. Not like I give a fuck anyway.

So it's the first day of a new semester and I'm scooping out the hotties trying to decided who I want to get laid by this weekend. And that's when I spotted him. His name was Freddy and he just transferred last semester. No one's spoken to him yet, but I'm gonna. Soon. I"m gonna make him my new boyfriend. I've been dropping hints that I'm interested in him. Whenever I'd like brush up against him in the halls he chuckle and continue walking. He so wants me.

I straighten myself up and took a glance at my self in my rear view mirror then stepped out of my car. My parents might be judge mental ass holes, but they give me what I want. Like my Volvo for example. She's my baby. I call her....Sharon. My car is like my little hoe. I take her everywhere. Her and I have been through a lot together. I keep a little notepad on my side door of the names of people I've fucked in my car. Now see not everyone gets to have sex with me in my car. You know? Sharon's my hoe. I gotta take care of her real good.

I started walking towards Freddy and sat down next to him on the bench. "Hey" I said pulling out one of his ear buds. He looked up at me and chuckled shaking his head.

"Sup?" He said in a stretched tone. I yawned stretching my arms and tossed one over his shoulder.

"Oh nothing." I said grinning. He chuckled again this time ever louder. "What's so funny?" I asked. And the stupid retard only laughed harder.

"Ahhh you're such a man whore." I clenched my fist and stood up.

"What'd you call me?" He chuckled again this time throwing his head back in a hardy har har manner. He rose and stretched his arms.

"Oh nothing. Slut." Then he began walking towards the front door. Wait, wait, wait. Did he just call me a man whore? And a slut? To my face? Who does this bitch think he is? I chased after him infuriated now and I"m about ready to break his face.
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