Status: Complete

I Get Ass


So we just sat there. Making out. Here I am in the library making out with Freddy the guy I've been crushing on for like what two months now? This is the start of a kick ass day. When Freddy pulled away he smiled shaking his head. "I can not believe I'm making out with you right now." I shrugged my shoulders half smiling.

"Well believe it cause pretty soon we'll be holding hands...and going on dates and-" He shook his head interrupting me.

"No that's not it. I totally thought that... that you would fail on the first day. To be honest I didn't even wanna go out with you on that date like I promised." What? He thought I would fail? What so it would be funny to watch the school man whore not get what he wants?

"What are you talking about?"

"Well come on Spinner you're a total slut. I thought that you'd cave in on the first day. I wasn't laughing at you in a flirty way or anything. I was laughing cause I could literally picture you failing." So he didn't wanna go out with me? At all. He just thought it would be funny to watch me screw this up?

"You thought that I couldn't make it through the month without screwing up." He nodded slowly and I stood up. "So...I'm like a fucking joke to you is that it?" He shook his head getting up.

"No that's not what I meant Spinner I-"

"You thought it would be funny to watch me fail. Did you think I was kidding around when I said I wanted to go out with you? I'm not just some slut. I'm capable of self control. I'm not walking around with any sexual diseases."

"No Spinner please let me finish. That's what I thought before. I don't think that now." I threw my hands up forcing out a laugh.

"Oh so that's supposed to make things better? You change your mind about me and now it's all good right? I was never a slut or a man whore or-"

"Spinner listen to me! OK yes I did think those things before, but it's different now. You've proven me wrong! You showed me that you do have self control I mean I know it's only day two, but damn I still can't believe how much perseverance you have to shut down that girl yesterday." Yeah yeah whatever. Do I still even want to go out with him after what he just told me? How do I know he's still not laughing at me deep down inside?

"Spinner I swear to you. I don't think you're those things anymore. You've proven me wrong and to show you that I'm being so totally serious we can go on that date today. After school." Hmm. Our date? Today after school?

"OK. Fine. We'll go on our date after school. We'll go to the movies. There will be a ton of people there today since it's the premier of New Moon. A ton of chicks will be there. And I'll show you that I have a ton of self control." Freddy sighed smiling and wrapped his arms around me in a tight hug,

"It's a date."
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