Status: Complete

I Get Ass


As the day went on Freddy got closer and closer to me. I don't mean emotionally I mean physically. I guess he could tell that I was pretty damn pissed off at him for what he said earlier in the library. He kept reaching for my hand and leaning on my shoulder. Every now and then he'd kiss me on my cheek.

When the final bell rang I gathered my stuff and headed to my locker. Freddy was waiting for me anxiously. "So are we gonna go straight to the movies." I shook my heading rolling my eyes and shoved past him to my locker.

"I have to do my homework first." He bit his lowered lip frowning.

"Oh. Ok." I grabbed my book bag then trotted in the parking lot to Sharon. Freddy stood behind the passengers seat door. "Can I go home with you? You know so this way you don't have to pick me up later? I mean...if you were going to..."

I half smiled unlocking the door. "I guess my future boyfriend could ride home with me and Sharon." He sighed with relief and pried open the door. I shifted in to reverse and slowly back out of the parking lot then sped home. Freddy leaned on my shoulder again running a hand up and down my leg. I shifted a few times trying not to get distracted. He giggled and continued molesting my leg.

When I pulled up in my drive way Freddy tossed his book bag in the back seat and stepped out of Sharon.I grabbed my books and we headed upstairs to my room. It was pretty hard to concentrate on my Geometry homework while Freddy was kissing up and down my neck and collar bone.

Finally I was able to gather my thoughts and solve question number one only after a short half hour. It's really hard for me to pretend I don't wanna just hop on my bed and start fucking Freddy, but I'm falling behind in a few classes and I have to get this shit done. I finished at about a quarter to 7. Sighing I closed my text book and turned to face Freddy. "Done?" He asked yawning. I nodded and rose to my feet. "Finally." He said stretching out his arms. I grinned then grabbed his hand and nearly sprinted out to Sharon.

The theater was packed with teens and a few families. There were mostly teenage girls with twilight shirts and tote bags. I grinned looking over at Freddy. "Let's watch New Moon." He groaned and I could have swore I saw a tear well up in the corner of his eye.

"Hell no. All those screaming girls." I laughed looking at the long line at the ticket booth. "Let's see The Vampires Assistant. It's been out for about 3 weeks. Maybe we'll have the theater to ourselves." I nodded beaming. That's a great idea! We walked over to the express line and paid for our tickets. The movie didn't start for another twenty minutes so we headed to the arcade and sat down in those racing game seats.

"So...You just couldn't wait to go on this date with me huh?" I asked glancing over at Freddy. He laughed then climbed in to my lap.

"No I couldn't. And I'm really sorry about what I said to you before." I shook my head kissing his cheek.

"It's whatever now." He smiled and ran his fingers throw my hair.

"Let's go wait inside the theater." I'm glad I wasn't hungry because the line for the concession stands are ridiculous. Freddy and I sauntered in to our theater and it was totally empty. "I'll race you to the top." Freddy shouted getting a head start. I laughed and chased after him to the top last row. We laughed breathlessly and filed in to the seats.

The theater lights dimmed and the previews began showing. After the preview for The Lovely Bones Freddy wrapped his arm around my shoulder. I looked over at him smiling then leaned in to press my lips to mine. It feels good to mac on Freddy in a dark theater.
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