Status: Complete

I Get Ass


I can not let these people get to me. I mean I've resisted them for like what it's been two days now right? I can hold it together. Like my older sister Kyla says "Perseverance will get you through the toughest of times." I can so get through this. I just have to create a goal map.

My goal is to get through the rest of the day focusing on school work. As hard as that sounds I know that I can do it. My strength will be Freddy. I want him to be my boyfriend more then anything. All I have to do is keep that thought in mind and I'll breeze threw the rest of the day.

If I am to get side tracked by some random whores in the hallways I'll conjure up a scenario. I'll be that little kid from home alone. Walking down the streets then notice a couple of scary looking hookers right before he runs in to that cab. That was a funny movie.

Anyway! I'll just imitate his actions and run away to the nearest cab which in this case would be my next class. I should have my head phones in my ears. This way if people speak to me I can't hear them. I'll take them off whenever Freddy's around. I just don't need any side tracks.

As for lunch Freddy and I won't be eating together. His lunch period is moved due to Freshman testing and shit. So I''ll hurry up and eat my lunch in a small booth then head to the media center and play some computer games to occupy the time. Hopefully no one will try and be all smart ass with me and slide in to my booth. That would just fuck everything up.

Ok so I have my day made out. Have head phones around neck for instance distraction, rush in to classroom when hookers spotted, and chuck down lunch before smart asses can arrive. All I have to do and stick with this plan and the rest of the day is a piece of cake.

I hurried through the halls to my next class. A few people made attempts to get my attention, but I had my head phones on full blast. Everything was going just as planned until Ms. Kay stopped me. "Give me the head phones." She demanded holding out her hand. I groaned rolling my eyes and reached inside my pocket for my ipod. "You can have this back at the end of the day."

Well holy fucking shit! Now what the hell am I going to do to block out the sexy voices? I hesitated and a blonde girl began approaching me. I searched the halls for an alternate route or something! Then I spotted Harper. This guy I slept with about two weeks ago. I shoved past the bodies in the halls and brushed up against his side causing him to shiver.

"Hey." I whispered seductively in his ear. He glanced up at me and smirked.

"What do you want?" I shrugged then reached in to his back pocket for his ipod.

"Can I borrow this for today? Please." I said in his ear wrapping and arm around his waist glancing around for Freddy.

"Sure. Just give it back when you're done." I nodded then kissed him on the cheek.

"You're the best." He blushed then began walking to his next class and I nearly sprinted off in the opposite direction to do the same. Yes! I have my distraction back. When I got to class I sat up front for the very first time and paid close attention to what the teacher was saying. I never knew how fast class could go by when you actually do the work. I feel so superior.. I feel like a god. I learned something in History today!

I rushed through the halls darting past everyone in a hurry. It's almost time for lunch and I can't help but to be so proud of myself. I haven't had one erection yet today. That deserves a pat on the back. In French it was hard to pay attention. I came in a little late so I had to settle for a seat in the second row instead of the first. And to my miss fortune the girl sitting in front of me decided to wear a thong today. What a slut.

My eyes kept glancing down. It's like they had a mind of then own. Finally the bell rang and I grabbed all my things and rushed to the cafeteria. There was no line so I rushed up to the service area and grabbed some fries and a Coke then paid for my lunch. I sat in a booth off near the door so I could exit as soon as I dumped my tray.

People began rushing in and a few girls noticed I was sitting alone. I nearly choked trying to chug down my soda. I shoved a hand full of fries in my mouth as Harper slid in my booth next to me. He put a hand on my leg and I began coughing. Harper chuckled patting my back and handed me my soda. "Don't worry I'm not going to rape you." He said leaning on my shoulder. I tensed up glancing around to make sure Freddy wasn't in sight. I nodded and slid my tray away tapping Harper on the shoulder.

"Sorry I gotta go to the media room. Work on a project." He nodded then slid out of the booth.

"Sure no problem just one thing." I tossed my tray in the trash then turned to face Harper.

"What is it?" He shrugged his shoulders blushing a light shade of pink.

"I was just wondering if you wanted to hang out after school." I swear if I didn't have the super hots for Freddy I'd be all over Harper. He's a really nice guy. I sighed wrapping my arms around his waist pulling him in to a hug.

"Sorry Harper. Maybe some other time." He nodded and shrugged his shoulders.

"It's cool. Some other times OK." I grinned then headed upstairs to the media center. Yes! I'm in the clear! Media center here I come!
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I'm sorry for the delay :(
I hope this will hold you guys! <3
Fill free to flood my inbox forcing me to write another chapter x]] lol
That'll put me on the spot xD