Status: Complete

I Get Ass


I smiled when I saw Freddy waiting for me at the end of the hallway by my locker. I walked up to him and leaned in for a kiss but he shied away. I raised an eyebrow in confusion shaking my head. "What's wrong?" He shrugged his shoulders and eyed me suspiciously.

"Nothing...I heard you had lunch with Harper." I sighed heavily rolling my eyes. How the hell does he know this? Is he sending people around to spy on me or something? I gripped his waist tighter.

"Yeah we hung out for a little bit. So what?" Freddy rolled his eyes and wrapped his arms around my neck.

"You better not be fucking with me Spinner. I don't like being messed with." I glared at him loosening my grasp.

"I'm not fucking around Freddy. Have some faith in me at the very least. I wouldn't ever try to screw you over babe." Freddy shook his head and I pressed my lips to his in a hard kiss. He pulled me in closer licking my lower lip.

"Come on, or we'll be late for class." Freddy whispered against my lips. I nodded then we walked to last period History.

I sat next to Freddy doodling in my notebook. I don't really like History so I think I'll be doing this for most of the class period. I looked up when Harper walked in. I saw Freddy glare at him from the corner of my eye. Harper shuddered then sat off near the windows. Freddy nudged my shoulder and I shifted to face him.

"You sure there's nothing going on between the two of you?" I rolled my eyes shaking my head. I know I screw around a lot, but does anyone believe that I do in fact have self control. I mean I retained myself all fucking morning. I deserve some bonus points for denying Harper in the library.

History went by very slowly. The teacher gave us a lecture about one of the world wars. I wasn't paying attention so I don't know which war she was referring to. I was half asleep when Freddy smacked my leg and I jumped.

"Spinner. Can you recap what I just said." I hesitated looking at Freddy. He he was looking down at his text book and had his index finger pointing to a strange looking picture.

"Ummm you were explaining the time period of World War two and how Germany invaded Poland or the Soviet reunion or some shit." I muttered towards the end. Freddy chuckled and Ms. Mason continued on with the lecture.

Finally the bell rang. I gathered my things and reached for Freddy's hand. We walked out to the parking lot and over to where I parked Sharon. "Spinner!" I turned to see that Harper was the one who just shouted my hand. I glanced over at Freddy then walked up to Harper.

"What is it?" He handed something to me.

"I meant to give you this. But I never really saw you around after...ya know our date." I looked down at my hand and saw that it was the necklace that Kyla had bought for me about a year ago. I completely forgot about it. I thought I had it home somewhere in one of my dressers.

"Oh! Thanks I didn't even know I lost this." i said looking up at Harper. He half smiled and nodded.

"Sure thing." I grinned then walked back to Sharon and Freddy. I died a little inside when I saw the look on Freddy's face. He looked like he wanted to kick my ass. I unlocked the doors then climbed inside Sharon. Freddy did the same slamming the door shut. I turned in the radio and surfed through the stations till landing on one airing Love Drunk by Boys like Girls then shifted into reverse.

"I wanna go to your house." Freddy said looking over at me. I nodded then pulled out of the parking lot. Surprisingly when I got held up at a stop light Freddy leaned on my shoulder. I half smiled throwing an arm around him.

When I pulled up in my drive way both Freddy and I stepped out of Sharon and sauntered up to my porch. I unlocked the door and walked into the kitchen searching the fridge for something to drink. I grabbed two cans of orange soda and slid on across the counter to Freddy. He nodded and popped the lid.

"Are you mad at me? I asked after taking a sip. Freddy shook his head and reached for my hand.

"No." I nodded then finished the rest of my soda. We trotted over to the living room and sat down on the couch. Freddy crawled onto my lap and leaned his head on my shoulder.

"I'm glad I gave you a chance." He said with a hinted smile in his tone. I nodded hugging him tighter and kissed his forehead.

"Yeah me too." Then he leaned in and pressed his lips to mine.
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The City Is At War
Co Written between XscreamXoutX and I