Status: Complete

I Get Ass


I smiled gazing into Freddy's eyes. I knew from the start that he wouldn't be able to resist me. I chuckled remembering how he had no intentions of dating me what's so ever. Now he's here in my room lying next to my on my bed staring up at my ceiling.

"What's so funny?" He asked grinning. I shrugged my shoulders placing my hands behind my head.

"Nothing." Freddy shook his head and sat up.

"No no. You were laughing at something." He said eying me suspiciously with a grin on his face. "What's so funny Spinner." I laughed sitting up and reached for his hand.

"Remember how at first you had no intentions of dating me." Freddy nodded squeezing my hand.

"Yeah I remember." He leaned his head on my shoulder and kissed my neck. "I don't know what I was thinking." I chuckled nodding then tossed an arm over his shoulder.

"I'm just glad you gave me a chance." Freddy nodded then looked up into my eyes.

"Yeah. Me too. To think I was going to put you off for a whole month huh?" I nodded pulling him closer. He buried his face in the crock of my neck.

I've always wondered what it would be like to be in a real relationship. I As hard as it is to believe I've always wanted to be in one. I could just never find the right person to be with. That's why I would have one night stands.

I didn't just sleep with people for the hell of it. It's just that from what I hear when you have sex with someone in most cases your bond is supposed to grow stronger. But what I didn't seem to grasp was that you had to really get to know the person you were fucking.It took me a while to grasp that whole concept.

Not only that, but I had fun sleeping with several people in a week. I can't even begin to count how many times I've been laid by both guys and girls. I smiled thinking about it. Yeah I"m such a man whore.

Things are different with Freddy. When I reflect upon these last few days, they've probably been one of the best days I've had in a long time. I never really try hard to accomplish things. Basically because I never set goals for myself. But this time was different. I was determined to make Freddy my boyfriend and I did it. Hooray for perseverance!

"I love you Freddy." He kissed my cheek and wrapped n arm around my waist.

"I love you too new boyfriend." I swear I almost shit in my pants when he said "new boyfriend" I grinned totally overwhelmed with joy and forcibly pressed my lips to Freddy's.
♠ ♠ ♠

I hope you liked my story as much as I liked writing it x]]
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The South Brook High Series
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