Status: Complete

I Get Ass


I can't believe this shit. I drive for like two whole hours with that bratty ass bitch in the back seat that talks fucking 10 miles a minute. I can not believe that Freddy is doing this shit to me. Like hell driving a brat to her dad's house is proving I love him. Bull shit!

"Why so quiet?" Freddy asked running his fingers through my hair. I shrugged my shoulders rolling my eyes paying more attention to the road. "Come on seriously the silent treatment?" What'd I do?'

"You tricked me in to driving your bitch ass sister to your dad's house." He chuckled leaning his head on my shoulder.

"I did it so we could talk. You act like I wanted to be in this car more then you do. I have to deal with her every fucking day." I shook my head ignoring him. "Come on Spinner. Don't be mad." He said kissing my cheek. I blushed slowing down at the stop light. When Sharon came to a stop Freddy got closer to me and started kissing down my neck. I grinned tossing my arm over his shoulder. A car honked from behind me and Freddy turned and shouted out the window.

"Chill the fuck out bitch! We're going damnit!" I chuckled then hit the gas pedal. Freddy shook his head then leaned on my shoulder again. "So this...Freddy guy he hotter then me?" I grinned reaching for his hand.

"Not really. You look just like him. So hot." I said glancing over at him. He smiled blushing and squeezed my hand.

"But like seriously you've never shown much interest in me until now. Why is that? Is it because I was the 'new guy' or something?" I shrugged my shoulders and sighed.

"I guess I was too busy getting laid." I admitted. At first Freddy didn't respond. Then he roared with laughter. I shook my head smiling. Yeah yeah he should laugh it up now because soon he's gonna be the one getting laid. By me.

"Wow. You're so funny. I can't believe I'm just beginning to see that." I smiled looking over at him and he leaned in and kissed me on my cheek.
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