Missing Alex

Falling Asleep

My phone rang while I was taking my group to the pool. Usually I don’t take my phone to the pool, but I was expecting this call. I had to make it quick before I was caught, but I could get away with a few minutes.

"Hey! I was waiting for you!" I excitedly said into the receiver.
"Hey! So, how are the brats your forced into watching?" Tyler asked as if he didn't already know.
"Same as always. NO SPLASHING!!!!!!!!!" I yelled at one of the girls in the pool.
"Your all wet aren't you?"
"Nah really," I joked. "I have to go, I'll call you when I get home."
"Fine. I'll be waiting," he said in his lovely dovey voice.
"Haha bye" I giggled

I hung up and went back to watching the kids. I've had the same thankless job for the past three summers and the pay wasn't getting any better. But hay, when you’re a teenager in need of money, anything is better than nothing. Apparently I had fallen asleep while sitting in that hopelessly uncomfortable lawn chair because my friend and fellow counselor Logan had to wake me up.

"Anna. Anna. ANNA!" Logan yelled shaking me awake.
"Whoa! What'd I miss?" I said so startled everything looked like a blue blur.
"You fell asleep, again. He said pulling me to my feet. “What’s been up with you lately? You've been so tired and this is the third time this week that I've had to wake you up. Do you want to go home? I'll cover for you."
"Sorry, there's just a lot going on right now. I'll try to stay up but if I fall asleep can you cover me until we have to take them somewhere else?" I asked
"Sure. Hey if you ever want to talk you know I'm always here. I know I’m no Alex, but if you ever need to get something off your chest I'm here for you. You know that right?"
Alex was by best friend for the past two years. She moved at the end of the school year and her life was always a big part of mine. She was the only one who I told everything to and she kept all my secrets. Logan was my best guy friend, but he was right: nothing in the world compared to Alex.
"I no." I smiled and I think I blushed.
Our friends Jake and Nate came up from behind me put their arms around me and said the same thing. "We got your back no matter what. You’re like a sister and we care about you."
"Thanks guys, but I’m fine, really I am." I lied.

My days went on and on. Go to work, be the ref in a game of dodge ball, sit on top of the ramp and make sure the kids didn’t fall and hurt themselves while going down on their scooters and skate boards, eat lunch, get changed for the pool, swim-if councilors are lucky-dry off and watch the brats play until your shift was over. At least once a week three of us got stuck with clean up duty, which even though you stay an extra two hours, you get NO over time money. This was pretty boring after a while. But of course I kept falling asleep so everyone else covered. Day by day life went on, but the same questions kept popping up, “Are you ok?” “What’s wrong?” and “You need me don’t you?” It got really annoying.