Missing Alex

Lies Lies and More Lies

Almost a week passed without questions. It was Friday and we were eating lunch. I threw a way my bologna sandwich with only a small bite missing. When I sat back down, Jake asked “Not hungry?”

“I just don’t feel like eating. Why?” I replied.
“Just wondering. But you usually eat all of your lunch and half of mine.” He said with a laugh.
“Nah. I had a big breakfast is all.”
“Ok.” He agreed.

That was a close one. But I hoped I wouldn’t have to have another encounter of that nature. As of now, my secret was safe.

“Hey, Jake?” I asked, he had drifted back to eating.
“Yea?” He responded.
“I’m leaving at three, so can you cover?”
“Umm, may I ask why?” he asked, his face more concerned than I expected. “You never leave early.”
“I know, but my brother is coming home from collage and I have to pick him up at the air port.” I lied. “He goes to UCLA, and we see him only twice a year. Once over the holidays and once over the summer.”
He looked at me like I was crazy, “You have a brother?”
“Yuppers! The school flies the students out and back. Ya know, if the family lives out in a different time zone or something. Plus, I need to get gas in my car anyways.”
“I still. You have. Whatever, I’ll cover. It’s none of my business.” He decided.

It came to 2:55 and I was packing up my car. Nate came by and said to say hello to by brother. I did have a brother, but he wasn’t coming home. At least not this week. But he would be here next month for 4th of July and I wasn’t looking forward to it.

“I’ll be sure to pass on the message.” I reassured.
“So, umm what is up with the new clothes?” he asked. If I wasn’t looking in the trunk of my car, I would have guessed he was looking at my ass.
“What do you mean ‘new clothes’?”
“Almost every week you have smaller clothes and a new bathing suit. So I was just wondering what’s been going on. Are you trying to lose weight, cause you have a really good body that any girl would kill for. I just don’t want you to hurt yourself.” He was always looking out for me. Everyone was looking out for me! How much more looking out for does a girl need?! I’m perfectly ok with myself!
“Trust me, no dieting here. Your eyes might just be going bad.” How much more of this could I possibly here. I slammed the trunk closed and stormed into the drivers seat. Nate asked if I was mad at him, and I said no. he asked if it was something he said, I shook my head. He asked if I was pissed at myself, I said yes.
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