Missing Alex

One Word Answers

When I pulled into my grams’ driveway I was scared that she wasn’t home. I left Brit in the car and went to ring the bell. She was home!

“Anna? What are you doing here?” She asked. Her face was in such shock; I could tell she was happy to see me.
“I’ll explain later.” I told.
“Ok. Well come on inside, it’s really hot out there.”
“Let me get Brittany. I’ll be in in a minute.” I started walking back to the car.

I went around to the backseat and carefully unbuckled my sleeping little sister. I was getting better at putting her in and taking her out of the car while she was asleep. I forgot all about the bags in the trunk and figured I could get them later. I laid her head on my shoulder and she wrapped her small arms around me. She was a very light sleeper. Gram ushered me into the living room. The cold air coming from the sir conditioner hit me like wave at the beach. I sat down on the couch and explained to Grammy what happened and why we were there. She understood and said that we could stay as ling as we wanted. I told her that we wouldn’t be long and she still said that no matter how long it takes, we wouldn’t be a bother.

I went into the room my mom had when she was little and put Brittany in the little bed that still had the baby rails on it. I went back outside to get the bags. Humming a tune I went to get the bags. For a minute I thought things were really turning around. Then I got a text. It was from Logan:

Heyy… i no ur wit ur bro… but are you sure you don’t want to come 4 pizza…whateva its ur losssss!!!!!!!! :)

I went back inside and started unpacking my stuff first. Brit was in “her room”, I was in “my room”, it used to be gramps’ but then her died in the ER after having a heart attack. While I was unpacking I started to dial Logan’s number.

He answered, “Hey, what’s up?”
“I’m busy. And I already told Nate that I couldn’t come. And you know that I couldn’t. I’m not flipping out its just when I say I can’t I can’t, besides, I already made plans with Nate for tomorrow.” I explained.
“Ok ok ok. I get it. Well Bran I said hi.” He ordered.
“Will do.” I reassured.
I slammed my phone shut and went back to packing. I turned on the TV and started flipping channels. I found a rerun of Fresh Prince. So while I was watching TV I was putting clothes on hangers. Once I was finished I went back into the living room and answered more of g.mom’s questions.

“Are you ok?” She would ask.
I always answered, “no”
“Do you wanna talk?” Would be her following question.

Again my answer would be no. She would ask why, and I responded with I just don’t. After a while she got tired of all the one and two word answers so she went out to garden. I went back into Brit’s room and started unpacking her clothes. Tonight I would go back to the house and get the rest of our stuff.
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