
Chapter 12: Decisions

I don't know how long I stayed at my spot underneath the tree and ontopof the wall.

All I could think about was being un-happy becuase I was living and my family wasn't. Plus John didn't get to finish high school. Now he has to wait till I am out of his new house before he can go back to school. I think its really stupid. We have enough money. But John insisted. Sop I had to deal with it.

"Look I know what happened to your family..." a voice said behind me. What was with all this talking. I didn't want to talk. I didn't want to say anything. Nothing at all and here I was having people trying to talk to me!

I ignored the voice and just thought of different things. Hoping she would take the hint and go away.

"I know what its like and all but..." the voice started.

They just couldn't grasp the I want to be Alone part.

"I don't care who told you my sob story or how much sympathy you want to give me cuase it will never bring them back. Never!" I said through clenched teeth.

"I know. I just want to help you get over them." the voice went a step further.

"I DON'T WANT TO GET OVER THEM> NEVER! If I do then I might forget them." I first yelled and then went quiet at my fear of what I might lose. I started to cry.

I felt the girl come over and hug me.

"You'll never forget them. But they would want you to move on with your life. Be happy. Get a great job. A family to take care of by yourself." she started.

I stoppped crying and pulled away to see who was telling me these things. It was Kristen. She had finally caught up with me.

"And to help you along, maybe you could just come to the rehearsal which is after school. I'll meet you right here ok? We are excused. Before I found you I went to the office and explained the situation. They told me if I could find you before lunch that we are both excused. So lets go get those excuse passes shall we?" Kristen said all in one breath.

"Fine." I said weakly and pushed myself up off the ground where I had mysteriously fallen to...

Maybe I would join the band. Maybe...