
Chapter 13: New band

I went through the rest of the school day without having to talk. Which was good. Nobody talked to me and I didn't talk to anybody.

I had 2 papers due by tomorrow, a project due Friday and 12 papers I had to get signed and stuff... what a bore!

I walked to my spot to wait for Kristen. I knew I would probably bail in 5 minutes but at least I could say I waited for her but she never showed up so i thought she changed her mind? But sadly no. By the time I sat down she was there and ready to go.

"You ready?" She asked me smiling down at me.

"I guess." I said and moseyed on after her as she started to walk to her house...

"So wahts your brothers band called?" I asked hoping she would talk the rest of the way and ask no questions.

"They haven't decidced yet. They are a new band looking for a lead singer. Which could be you..." she said and looked at me out of the corner of her eye.

"I see." I said and continued to look forward wondering when we would stop.

"Here we are." my answer was found.

I followed Kristen into her house. We went to the kitchen to get a snack and drop our stuff off.

"Wow" was all I could say at how many people were here. Were they trying out? Were they here to just see the guys? What were all of these people doing here?

"Yeah, my brothers advertized their band at school todasy and that they were looking for a lead singer." Kristen said putting me out of my mysery with my silly, dumb questions.

"oh." I said.

Kristen signed me up. I was last. Great.

I waited an hour. An hour before it was my turn. They had gotten everyones number saying they would call them. I knew what that meant. It meant they didn't get it.

"Ok, I see you are a friend of my sisters..." One of the guys said to me when I stepped up to the microphone.

"how'd you know?" Kristen piped up. I was speechless.

"Your handwriting sis.. and you have been waiting with ehr since you guys got here." another one said.

"ohh.. duh." Kristen said slapping her forehead.

"Ok what are you gonna sing?" the first guy said.

"Umm... my own song I guess.." I said.

One of the brothers raised his eyebrows at that.

" Walking down this dark and lonely
What should I do
Should i run, hide or save you
from what I hear is death
I dont want to leave you
stranded here
so i am going to run to your rescue my dear

dont worry about me
I would rather be dead
than have you dead instead
I would rahter you morn over me than me morn over you
cause I would never get over you
no no no no"

They didn't stop me. They let me sing my whole song. So I kept going when they didn't interupt me then.

"Walking down
this scary, lonely
dismal hallway
staring straight at you

not knowing what to dooooooo

dont waorry about me
I would rather be dead
than have you dead instead
I would rather you morn over me than me morn over you
cause I would never get over you
no no no no nooooo."

I finished with a high do.

Nobody said anything. I didn't want to open my eyes. I had closed them when they hadn't stopped me when they had stopped all of the other girls.

One of the guys started clapping and then I got woots of cheers.

"You rocked!! OMG!!" Kristen screeched jumping up and down.

"Oh hell yeah!!" one of the guys said. Then he blushed as Kristen gave him a stearn look.
"I mean why of course she did... I kmnew it all along when I first saw her." he said quickly.

"My name is Jason." The first guy said. He was tallish and had jet black hair. Blueish greenish eyes and was fit. But He wasn't cute to me.

"My name is Joeseph but please call me Joe." The second one said. Blue eyes, kinda shorter than Jason and was cute but not for me.

" And my name is Jeff." the last one said. He was the one who had cussed. Well, not really but had said hell. He was my height maybe a little taller and had the most brilliant green eyes I had ever layed eyes on. And oh yes, he was the hot one.

Now was I falling in love with a guy I had just met?

a/n sorry for not updating in a little while. I just wanted to let you guys know that I love comments and would love to know waht you think of my story. So far only sinsa-4-eva and GreenDay(as I now call this user since their number after this is ahrd for me to remember...) are really the only ones who have commented.. so please comment!!