
Chapter 18: the sleepover

"KATHERINE!!!" Kristen squealed finally seeing me and Jeff walk up the sidewalk.

"I was only gone for about an hour..." I said and then kristen looked hard at me and Jeff seeing both of us smile.

She ushered me inside and showed me to her room so we could talk. She locked the door and flopped on a bean chair by me.

"So what happened?" she asked really curious and wanting all details.

"Well me and Jeff kissed and we are going out now!!" I said slowly watching Kristens face break into smiles.

"YAY!! I cant beleive it! Finally!! I was gonna scream at Jeff if he wasn't gonna ask you out till Monday. So did you kiss first or last?" Kristen demanded.

I answered and she asked mroe questions and I answered all of her unforgivable questions.

"Ok lets eat please!" I said to stop the flow of questions.

"Your right!! We need food!" she said and pulled out a basket of food from her closet and a blanket. We set up our indoor picnic and started to eat.

"MMMM!!" I said tasting the pasta Kristen had baked earlier waiting for me to come.

"Glad you like it!" she said and then I noticed a shadow at the door. There was a gap at the bottome of the door and where it had been light it was now a shade darker.

I motioned for Kristen to be quiet and went to the door and looked to see who it was. I didn't recognize the shoes.

I mouthed the brand of the shoe and asked if anyone in her family wore those.

kristen went pale and nodded her head no.

Oh no.

I made sure it was locked and we acted like nothing had happened. We kept going so the person outside didn't know we knew he/she was out there. Then the door rattled in hte middle of our conversation about school and the mean bully.

"Who is it?" I asked for Kristen had gone speechless.

"You should know who I am Katherine." the voice responded and I paled.

"Your... your dead... I watched you die..." I stuttered and started getting dizzy.

I started to have flash backs of what had happened. No.. not again.

"Let me in Katherine we must talk face to face." the voice said again and I wanted to scream no but I had to make sure it was him,... or wasn't...

I went and opened the door.

I screamed. He laughed and I fell to the floor with blood pooling around me. I had just been stabbed with a knife by a mad person who might kill everyone else in this house...

Kristen started to move and he noticed her. Jeff came running at that moment.

"What the hell are you doing in my house?" he yelled and then noticed me.

"Katherine!" he cried and ran to me but he didn't makeit. He hit him and sent Jeff into the wall in the hall. Then Kristen was next. But they were only uncouncious.

I wondered at that moment whether I would live or not... He left me and laughed as he saw my breaths getting sharper and shorter.

Then I heard screams as Kristen awoke and saw my blood all around me.
Jeff was at my side in seconds dialing something on his cell phone. why did this have to be me? Why not some other family? Why couldn't my life just be normal???

I was put on a stretcher and carried to the ambulance. Kristen and Jeff jumped into the ambulance.

"You can't come." one of the doctors said.

I grabbed Jeffs hand and then Kristens.

"Guess you have to let us." Kristen said and sat next to me. Jeff said nothing. He just looked deep into my eyes. Like he was begging me to live.

But would I? I had lost so much blood. So much blood.

if you wanna know if Katherine lives please comment~!