
Chapter 19: The story

I woke up in a dark room... Well I guess it wasn't a drak room but more like a dark space.

And then something came up to me. A flashback from my past.

"hello sweetheart!! I can see you!"

I screamed and stepped farther into the closet.

"Why don't you come back???"

"NOO!! no no no!! please stop please!!" I whimpered.

"But I don't wanna stop sweetheart. Your mine and always will be. No come out and come home with me!"



the voice came inside and started to drag me out of my hiding place.

"Now u deserve a punishment... what should it be???" the voice said to himself and I started to cry harder for I knew what was coming next.

"Your friend here... u can watch her suffer..." the voice said and grinned.

"No please! Please don't!!" I screamed louder.

"Then u shall come with me and be my s slave." the voice said and I nodded and follwed him out the door with only a nightgown on.

I now knew what s slave meant... I had been tortured, put through so much and on top of that I had to do stuff to his body to give him pleasure... I hated him... I was always on the news and he used to make phone calls saying he had seen me wandering the streets. The police would come and check the house out and never find me for he dressed me differently and died my hair different colors that could be washed out...

Then one night I remember me calling th police saying I needed help. He had caught me hanging up the phone and had tried to rape me but the police had gotten there... so I was saved... sort of.

He had gone to jail and had escaped. He had returned to my hosue and I had shot him with my dads gun. I never did get blamed for it was self defense. He had died. And now he was back. ANd I think he jsut killed me.