
Chapter 25: Found My Killer

I was discharged Wensday. I didn't want to leave Bella but I had to. So I promised every Friday I would spend the night in the hotel with her. She said she would look forward to it. So was I.

I was walking to Kristen and Jeff's house to practice with the band since I had not been able to practice.

But I was stopped right in front of their house by the guy who had stabbed me. He was holding another knife red with blood. I looked at the house expecting to see the door open and screams to come out of it. But none did and the door wasn't open.

I looked back at him then at the knife. I t had blood on it that was for sure. But whos blood it was was the question.

"Who did you stab this time." I said.

He grinned and pierced me with that cold stare of his.

"Bella and her nurse. Remember?" he asked coldly and I paled. So he was the one that stabbed Bella?

"Why did you keep the knife then? With her blood?" I asked.

Cause once and for all i am going to kill you but with Bella's blood and the nurse's blood. You have interupted far to many times!" he said and then glanced to his left then right.

Nobody was out and nobody could save me.

"I don't think so." I heard from behind the man and then he fell onto me.

But luckily the knife just pierced my arm. It was pain but it was better then my stomache or heart.

"Jeff!" I said.

"He can't hurt you now. The police have come. they are going to inject him with poison so he can die. That way he can't come back and haunt you. He can't escape death this time." Jeff said and saw my arm and my blood yet again.

"Your arm!" he said alarmed.

"Its nothing." I said and grinned."better then my stomache or heart."

"True, so very true!" Jeff responded and then i jheard sirens. Everything else happened in a blur. They made me go to the hospital yet again. I had just gotten out of there. But I got to see Bella again. Though she wasn't too happy to see me.

"You shouldn't be back here! Stop getting hurt!" she scolded and I promised her I would try.