Status: Coming along(:

This Love Was Accidental

Fear of Being Alone

I tried to relax and allow the hot water to loosen my muscles as I lowered myself into the bathtub.

We had been walking around all day long. It was nearly a week after my due date and I still hadn't had the baby yet. I really wanted it to come by now.

Why try to rush something good? Alex was leaving in two hours to meet up with the guys then start their winter tour. I had been praying with every fiber of my being for Alex to be here when I had this baby, and knowing that he wouldn't, upset me so.

We had tried every old wives's tale to try and speed up the process. Well, actually not everything. The last tale, the one we hadn't tried, was sex. Not that we didn't want to. I just didn't feel very attractive in my current ballooning state. And my whole completely unbalanced hormones weren't helping my case. I would love to take him right now, but I feel fat and gross. And what if he didn't even want to do it? What if deep in the darkest corners of his mind he thought I wasn't as attractive as I used to be, and he just didn't say anything so he wouldn't make me feel bad?

All these thoughts were running through my head, when a light tap came on the door. "Yes?"

"Can I come in?"

"Sure." Even though I had a ridiculous amount of bubbles, my stomach was still obtruding out of the water. I tried my hardest to have it covered with a water/bubbles mixture.

"How you holding up?"

"I'd be better if our baby was here already. What if I have her right when you leave?"

"I'll fly back as soon as possible."

"Not the same..."

"Well, my aunt said you'd have to be brought in soon and be induced. The kid can't stay in there too long."

Alex came into the bathroom more and sat knelt down beside the tub. When I thought about what I was going to say I started crying. "I don't think I can do this alone. I need you."

He used his pointer finger to lift my chin, "don't cry. Please don't cry." He barely brushed my lips with a sweet, reassuring kiss that somehow, helped calm my nerves. "What makes you so sure its a girl?"

"I'm not so sure. But I'm hoping it is so then I have someone who'll keep me company when everyones gone."

"No one is leaving you."

"So what do you call what you have to do? And what about Lesley, Jess and Sarah? They can't stay forever."

"I'll be back and they'll stay as long as necessary. Or, you can just move back home."

"Home? I can't come back. People will talk way too much."

"That's what you're worried about? What are we still in high school? Life isn't all about the juiciest gossip anymore."

"No we're not, but sometimes I wish I was. Then I wouldn't be putting up with this shit." I faced forward again and felt the anger bubbling inside, and I was trying my best to hold my tongue.

"I'm not sure what you mean.."

"Think about it. We weren't in this situation when we were in high school. You and Brittney were dating and I was stuck watching from the sidelines. Everything was more simple then."

"So, what? You're unhappy?" I could hear the pain tainting his tone.

"I never said that-"

"Then what are you saying? Because I'm obviously missing something here."

"I don't know! I'm, I'm just frustrated. Okay? I'm not sure why I'm getting so worked up, I just am. I'm just so stressed and scared and so many other feelings..."

"Oh my God, is that blood?"


I looked down, through the surrounding bubbles, into the bath water to see exactly what Alex thought. Blood. "Get me a towel, quick!" I stood up and quickly wiped off. Then grabbed a dress, shoes and hurried to the door. Alex trailed behind me with my suitcase.

It was finally happening.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it takes me forever and 59 years to update now. I'm trying to be better!