Status: Done. Not doing a sequel unless I think of something perfect and far from cheesy. Not likely I'll find it.

Just a Little Sadistic

Making love.

All four of us - Ebony, me, Erik and Carlie - sit at a small booth at some club Carlie had recommended earlier. To be honest, I'm very bored. I sit with Erik, talking in quiet voices while the two girls go off, dance and goof off. I slam my drink while Erik tells me, "You know, that Carlie is really something. She's really sweet but has a wild side to her too." I nod at him.

As he continues to talk about his new found liking to Carlie my eyes drift to the people dancing in the middle of the room. I spot Ebony almost right away. Tonight her hair is let down, cascading around her back and shoulders in waves. She wears a tight, light blue mid sleeve shirt that dips in a wide U shape. She has dark, almost black, pants that hug her hips perfectly and have holes in both knees. She has black boots strapped to her feet that meet her mid calves.

I leave for another drink.

On my way back though the crowd I see Carlie with her hands in fists attached to her hips and Ebony with her arms crossed. Neither of them look happy.

When I get a little closer and past a few more people I notice that there's a man with black hair cut short and large sideburns laughing in front of them.

"Fuck off, man," I hear Carlie spit.

"Run along now," the man tells her. He then leans forward and grabs Ebony's forearm and pulls her into him. She snaps her head to the side and tries to shove him away with her free hand. Just before he plants a sloppy kiss on her face, missing her mouth by far.

And I can't watch anymore.

I rush up behind them and tell Carlie to leave it to me and to go back to Erik. I tell her with a smile on my face. She looks concerned and like she's weighing out what to do. Then she leaves.

"Hey, asshole," I tell the man with Ebony. He turns his head and glares at me. "That's not yours to play with, man." I cross my arms sternly and glare back at him. Raise my eyebrow. He looks puzzled.


"What's it gonna be, asshole?" I say this while I easily take Ebony away from his grip and she goes to stand behind me. He suddenly looks angry but says nothing more before walking away. I have to admit I'm a little disappointed. I watch him until he disappears completely from the crowd.

Ebony clutches my arm tightly and says, "Daniel, come on. Let's go."

I turn to look at her and her eyes are big. I know neither of us are in the mood for being out anymore. So we walk back to where Erik and Carlie are sitting. Carlie is laughing to something Erik said. I raise my eyebrow at her.

When she catches it she says, "It looked like you had it handled. So I came back here and Erik assured me you'd take care of it."

"I did," I nodded. I turn to Ebony who's staring at Erik while he stares right back at her. It suddenly feels tense. I squeeze her hand.

"Sweetheart, are you ready to go?" I do my best to sound positive and happy for her. She looks up at me and smiles.


Ebony's house. I follow Ebony up to her bedroom, holding her hand. When we enter the room she tells me she's going to change. She pecks me on my lips before leaving the room.

I strip myself of my clothes except for my boxers and leave the room to her balcony with a cigarette and lighter. I figure she'll be a while once I hear her shower running.

When I step outside I light my cigarette and lean on the railing. When I finish that one, I smoke another.

About fifteen minutes later I pair of arms wrap around my waist from behind. Ebony stands next to me and rests her head against my arm.

"I don't like it when you smoke," she tells me.

"Sorry." I smudge my smoke out.

Turning my back against the railing, I pull Ebony against me. She's wearing a pair of blue underwear and a white tank top. Running my hand back through her hair I kiss her forehead. She kisses my lips softly until I deepen it, moving my tongue with hers. I move my hands down the small of her back until they stop on her butt.

She bites my lip and I kiss her with more force and demand. Ebony's hands move to my chest, pressed against my bare skin. I take her legs in my hands and lift her up so her legs wrap around me tightly. Her arms hug my torso as I carry her back into the dark bedroom.

Laying her down gently on the bed, I look at her, the light from the moon coming through the french doors shining on us, and she looks at me. I lean over her, touching my forehead to hers. I look at her again as I pull the tank top quickly over her head, exposing her upper body completely. I kiss her forcefully while I move my hands over her beasts and her fingers move to the hem of my boxers, pulling them down slowly.

Not even two minutes later, we're both completely nude and I know it's going to happen.

I run my fingertips along her soft thighs and up the curve of her hips as I kiss her harder. I like the fact that I dominate her completely and I think she likes it too. Her thighs are practically glued to my own as I hover above her, tracing kisses from her jawline to her chest.

I hold the palm of my hand gently against her cheek, kiss her softly and look into her eyes. We make love.

It's some hours later when I wake up. Although it's only around three in the morning and I haven't had enough sleep.

Looking next to me, pressed against my body is Ebony sleeping peacefully, happily. I pull the blanket farther over our bare bodies. Our legs are entwined and my arm is wrapped around her torso. It's then that I sense something out of place. I usually notice if something is wrong or out of place right away. It's become necessary for me.

I hover over Ebony protectively and listen carefully for any unusual sounds. I don't hear anything but I can't push the thought that something is very, very wrong.

Ebony stirs underneath me and I look at her. I can't help but actually feel something for her despite my evil desires. Taking a deep breath I quickly climb out of bed and slip on a pair of boxers and jeans in case I need to take care of anything.

As I'm climbing back into bed next to Ebony, it happens.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry if I went too far with the sex for some of you, but I don't know. Sorry it was kinda short. Plus, I'm sorry if there are spelling errors or something. I fixed them and added a few small things here and there but then I lost it.. Anddd I was too lazy to go and fix them haha. I can't remember all the changes anyway. I hope you liked it regardless .:)

Anyway, subscribe and comment! :)