Status: Done. Not doing a sequel unless I think of something perfect and far from cheesy. Not likely I'll find it.

Just a Little Sadistic

My fiance.

I wake up, sweating with my tongue practically glued to the roof of my mouth and I feel like throwing up. My head is pounding. I turn my head to the empty spot next to me. I sigh in disappointment to be found alone. I run my hand through my hair.

It's about two and a half years since I last saw Daniel. The last time I saw him, he was being taken away from me. I miss him so much. The dream where he killed our own child was a little over the edge for me. Since he left I've had nightmares about him where I would wake up breathing hard, gasping for air and even sometimes screaming. They were that horrific.

I pull myself from my thoughts and swing my legs over the bed, my feet touching the cold, hardwood floor. I hug my arms tightly around my body and put on a cheap smile as I walk down the stairs and into the kitchen. That's when I see him. My fiance.

"Morning, sweetheart. I let you sleep in and I made breakfast for you," he tells me. He offers a large smile and holds his arm out, asking me to come to him.

"Good morning, Kevin," I yawn. I reach up and kiss his cheek while he moves the bacon around the sizzling pan. It smells good.

I sit down as he places a plate of eggs, bacon and toast in front of me. I smile weakly at him. But he buys it. Kevin sits next to me and places his hand on my back. He watches me finish my food, and when I'm done I look up at him. His eyes are a light green, his hair is short and a dark brown. He's always been very handsome, with his strong jaw and chiseled features.

He smiles again and says, "What do you think about tonight?" He grins wildly at me and I feel my stomach flip. Although I'm not sure it's in the good way.

"You know I told you I wanted to wait til we get married. You know I'm a virgin and I want to wait til marriage." Yes, I was lying to him about being a virgin but it was the best and most reasonable excuse for wanting to wait until marriage. I'd grown tired and weary of him trying to get me to sleep with him. Almost every night before bed he would try to "get me in the mood" and I always had to push him away.

Something about Kevin is that he's very sweet. He has to be the nicest, most honest and generous man I've ever met. Except for when it comes to sex. We've messed around here and there a few times but nothing more.

"Right. I'm sorry." He kissed my cheek. "Babe, I've got to get running. I'm already running late for work."

I roll my eyes and tell him okay. Another thing about Kevin is that he works constantly. I usually only see him in the evenings and one day of the weekend, and if I'm lucky, the mornings. He always has something to do.

The way he smiles so much with his very white teeth, the way he makes breakfast for me, the way he's constantly working and coming home late... It's tiresome and artificial in my eyes. He's the average man.

Kevin kisses me goodbye and leaves wearing a crisp white shirt and a pair of black slacks, his jacket swung over his shoulder.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yes, it's very short. But I wanted to get this out. I'll be writing longer chapters soon I'm hoping. Anyway, I hope you liked it. :)

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