Status: Done. Not doing a sequel unless I think of something perfect and far from cheesy. Not likely I'll find it.

Just a Little Sadistic

Don't be scared.

I could recognize that voice anywhere although now it's grown deeper. I tilt my head up the best I can towards Daniel's face and get a good look at him. His dark, gray eyes glaring down at me are even more shadowed than I remember and his facial features more improved, showing off a greater roughness than there had been before. Now replacing the once smooth, clear skin of his jaw was stubble.

I almost forget to breathe as I take in his features. This is not the same Daniel I remember but he's still breathtakingly handsome, nonetheless.

"Miss me?" he questions, tilting his head to the side.

"Get away from me!" I try my best to sound confident and unmoved by his presence, but it doesn't work. I really do sound nervous and terrified.

Pressing one hand against his chest, I try to use my other to unlock his grip on my waist but then I remember his hand at my throat. Once I begin to struggle, it tightens. He wouldn't kill me, right? Or maybe that was his plan all along... Could I really love the man trying to kill me?

"I've never told you this, but I like it when you squirm," he purrs in my ear. I can feel him breathing down my neck, so close. It sense chills down my spine and despite his hostile hold on me, I want to move closer.

"Kevin is coming home soon. He won't let you get away with this." Then I think, When did I become so stupid? It's like some horrible scene in a cliche horror movie.

"Your loving fiance`? Right, we'll see."

I try to switch gears, not liking how he knows I have a fiance`. "Why are you back? I thought you went to jail."

"Because I want you back. Isn't it obvious, darling?"

My hands start to tremble as they hold against his wrists. I have Kevin. Don't I love him? Yes. Of course. I'm getting married to him, aren't I? How can Daniel be back? How can he still want me? He's killed people and he isn't healthy. He'll be my downfall. Is it even sane to love such a man?

"Please just go. I don't want you here." My voice shakes as I speak lies to him.

"I think you do," he says. He walks to the wall, hands still tight on my waist and neck, turns me around, and backs me against it. I'm now facing him with his left hand cupping the side of my neck and his right holding my wrists firmly together in front of me.

Part of me is overjoyed and thrilled he's back here, standing so close to me. But the other part is terrified and telling me to fight as much as I can.

Looking up at him, I see his dark, almost black, eyes glaring down at me and a small smirk etched in his face. I'm still shaking.

"Don't be scared, Ebony," he breathes, forehead resting against mine. Our lips are about an inch away. His hot breath presses against my lips. I can't help but want this, regardless of how stupid and reckless it may be.

I can smell cigarettes on his clothes and on his skin. I have to admit I miss it.

Both his hands run up my neck now, just near my jaw.

"Everything is going to be okay," he tells me, his voice so soft I can barely hear it. Seduction lingers in his too feral whisper.

Daniel's fingers apply pressure and everything goes black.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay so this is kinda short but I wanted to get it out anyway. I feel like my chapters aren't as good as they used to be but I don't know. Okay, so I was wondering if you'd want a lemon later. Well not really, but kinda. Like I've written in the chapter Making love but a little more graphic. Let me know what you want! :)

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