Status: Done. Not doing a sequel unless I think of something perfect and far from cheesy. Not likely I'll find it.

Just a Little Sadistic


Note: Be sure to read the Author’s Note.

Sun pours through the window and onto our bodies, covered halfway by a thin, white sheet. A cigarette is wedged between my fingers, halfway through. I take a slow, careful drag, then let go and blow smoke rings into the warm air of the room.

I’m leaning up against the headboard of my bed, arm draped carefully around Ebony’s bare torso. She’s laying on her side, head on my stomach, her hair laid out gracefully against my skin. Her arm is wrapped across my waist, hugging me to her as she sleeps.

The Team Sleep CD I put in earlier plays softly and very quietly in the background. Right now I feel completely at ease. At least until my mind starts to wander to Kevin.

I have Ebony at my side once again and it was so easy. That asshole Kevin didn’t deserve her. The thought of him cheating on her causes me to tense up. Squeeze my eyes shut. I take another drag of my cigarette and finish it, ash it out in the empty wine glass next to the bed from the night before.

Ebony stirs against me, wrapping one leg over mine. The air in the room is starting to get warm even with the windows open. I get comfortable again and try to sleep. I’d woken up at six and had a hard time falling asleep despite how tired I was. It’s now eight and I can feel my eyelids start to get heavy again.

I’m almost asleep when a large banging comes at the front door. I grind my teeth together, wondering who could be at my house at eight in the morning when I’m trying to sleep.

I carefully pick myself out of bed as fast as I can, not wanting to wake Ebony. Hurriedly put on a pair of sweatpants, not bothering for a shirt, and rush to the door.

“What is it, asshole?” I say as I open the door, unaware of who it could be. Opening the door a crack, I poke my head through and see Kevin. His brown hair is a mess, he has heavy bags under his eyes. He looks really pissed. And it makes me angry. To have him come to my house trying to get Ebony back or kick my ass. I mean, why else would he be here?

“You,” I spit. “What could you possibly be doing here?”

“To take Ebony fucking home,” he says between clenched teeth. I start to laugh and lean against the door frame with my arms crossed. I smile at this guy.

“I don’t think so, stud. She’s mine now. In fact, she’s always been mine,” I snort. Possessiveness starts to overcome me, causing me to get even more frustrated with this guy who’s trying to take my girl from me.

Kevin drills towards me, his face red. I glare at him and shove my hands against his chest, pushing him backwards. He’s no match for me. He charges again, trying to put me in a headlock, but misses and I punch him in the jaw.

Just after this, Ebony emerges from the bedroom in her underwear and a shirt of mine. She notices Kevin in the room, rubbing his jaw from my punch. I notice her shoulders tense up and she looks upset in so many ways. When we went to sleep last night she looked so much happier to be with me, to forget Kevin, maybe even thankful he cheated on her. She looked relieved and relaxed. But now, she looks broken.

“Get the fuck out of my house, asshole. Now,” I tell him.

“No, I’m talking to Ebony.” When he starts towards her I step between them with my arms crossed. Glaring at this guy who just will not leave.

“Daniel, it’s okay. I think I should hear this.” I look at her then at Kevin. Then back at her. I nod slightly and lean against the wall, watching as Kevin starts.

“Why did you leave, Ebony?” he asks, his hands out in front of him.

“You’re really asking me this? I caught you in bed with another woman, for crying out loud! You cheated on me.”

“Don’t blame everything on me. It’s not like you didn’t cheat too.”

“What are you talking about?” Ebony shouts, throwing her arms in the air in frustration.

“Mind explaining to me what you’re doing here then? You’re in your underwear, in that guy’s shirt, looking like you just woke up. Your hair is a mess. He’s hardly wearing anything either. Don’t you stand there and tell me you didn’t sleep with this fucker.” Kevin is slowly getting closer to Ebony’s face, shouting right in it. I clench my firsts and try to hold myself back. “You’re a cheater just as much as I am.”

“Tell me this, Kevin. How long have you been sleeping around with other girls?” her voice cracks.

His eyes flip to the ceiling.

“Answer me!”

“Just after two months we started dating...”

“You asshole! You’ve been cheating on me this whole time. And you’re mad at me for sleeping with Daniel? You say it’s cheating? The moment you saw me in the room when you were screwing that girl, you should have known it was over. I don’t want you.”

“Don’t you love me?”

In such a whisper I can barely hear it, Ebony tells him, “Kevin, I never loved you. Please leave.”

It’s my turn to step in when the guy doesn’t move. He searches Ebony’s face, looking totally drained. When I advance towards him, he puts his hand on her shoulder for a brief moment with sadness in his eyes, then leaves.

I look at Ebony and Ebony looks at me. She looks exhausted. Totally beat. I open my arms and she walks into them, nuzzling her face into my chest. I get warm and my stomach flips. Despite the fuzzy feelings I have right now to have her with me, to have her back finally, I’m still heated and bitter.

It takes a lot for me not to dig my nails into her back from anger. I clench my teeth without her noticing.

After we’re back in bed and Ebony has fallen asleep cuddled against me, I finish my cigarette and decide to go out. Regardless of it being so early in the day, I can’t help myself. Once I know Ebony is sleeping heavily I slip out of bed. I get dressed.

I go search for a victim.
♠ ♠ ♠
From now on, the story will be in Daniel's POV. Even though there's like one or possibly two more chapters left. :P Just a heads up!
Btw the song I pictured playing in the beginning is 11/11 by Team Sleep. I thought the way it sounded kinda fit the moment. Lol.

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