Status: Done. Not doing a sequel unless I think of something perfect and far from cheesy. Not likely I'll find it.

Just a Little Sadistic

She mentioned something about a small ***.

I slip on a shirt and head out of my room in search of Erik. The girls were most likely - and should be - gone but maybe Erik was still here. I walk out to the back porch with wicker chairs and small table with an ashtray on top of it. I find Erik sitting at one of the chairs looking through the trees like there’s something he needs to keep an eye on. A cigarette sits between his fingers.

I hesitate slightly and sit in the chair next to him. I eye his smoke.

“Can I bum one of those?” I ask, pointing to the item wedged between his fingers.

“Sure,” he says. He reaches to his pack sitting on the table next to the ashtray and slides one out. He hands the cigarette to me and I hold it there waiting for him to light it considering I didn’t have one at the moment. He lights it and I wedge it between my lips.

“So,” I say, exhaling smoke. “How was last night? I heard you had lots of fun.” He suddenly grins and looks at me, leans back in his chair.

“It was great, man. You shouldn’t have ditched that girl. She was hot.” He looks back into the distance and my eyes linger on his before I look in the same direction.

“I suppose. I just wasn’t feeling it though. Fucking was far from my mind last night.” Erik nods as if he knows exactly what I’m talking about although I know he has no idea.

“When she came in the room she mentioned something about a small dick.” I nearly burst out laughing. That girl was funny.

“Dude, she never even got in my pants.” Erik laughs. I take another drag.

I have no idea what to do with the rest of the day so after Erik leaves I sit there on the porch and smoke some more cigarettes from the rest of the pack he left behind. After it gets old I take a shower, which feels better than I would have expected it to, get dressed and leave.

Walking down the streets of downtown aimlessly gets old easily as well. I stop into a small store and buy another pack of cigarettes before I decide to call Ebony. I wonder what she’s up to. If she’s at work maybe I can stop by.

The phone rings. And rings. She’s not picking up.

By the time I’m ready to hang up, she answers and sounds tired.

“It’s Daniel,” I tell her.

“Great! What’s up?” Her voice seems to automatically pick up once I tell her who it is she’s talking to. But it’s then that I realize that I have no idea what I want to do today. Do I wanna come over? Do I just want to talk? Do I want to go out?

“So do you want to go out to eat with me tonight?” I get this sudden feeling that I have a good chance of working things to a higher level with her if we go out tonight.

“That sounds great. Where and when?”

“This place a few blocks up from the waterfront. At eight. I’ll pick you up. How does that sound?” I let a large smile crawl into my voice and I know she’s blushing. I lean against the building I’m next to while I wait for her to talk. She’s looking at her schedule.

“That works, Daniel.” She’s smiling.

“Perfect,” I purr. She giggles on the other line.

Hours later I dress myself in a pair of dark jeans, white button up shirt left unbuttoned, exposing my black t-shirt underneath and a pair of penny loafers. I look in the mirror briefly and know I look good.

I drive to Ebony’s house up the winding road and greet her at the door. Her dark hair is down and in waves. Her blue, silver eyes sparkle, lined with light makeup and dark mascara making her eyelashes thicker. She wore a black and gray dress with a leather jacket covering her torso. She also had high heel boots on.

I smile at her brightly and drive her to the upscale restaurant.

A tall man with short blond hair seats us and I notice he never takes his eyes off of Ebony. But I can’t really blame him. She looks beautiful. I glare at the man but he doesn’t seem to notice. I also notice him trying to sneak a peak through the top of her dress to get a look at her breasts. She also notices this and starts to shy away, blushing.

“Excuse me. Don’t you have work to do other than gawk at woman? Only to look like an absurd pervert who has nothing better to do? How embarrassing.” I sip my water casually that was given to me minutes ago.

Ebony blushes a wealthy amount and shyly sips her own water. I grin at her widely and this makes her cheeks turn even redder. When I snap my head in the direction of the waiter my look turns ice cold and he scrambles away.

“Sorry about that, darling,” I tell her.

“It’s okay,” she says weakly.

“So how was you’re past few days? Anything new?” I sip my water again and look at her, small smile curved into my mouth.

“Nothing really. The restaurant has been slow lately. Anything new with you?”

“Nope. Not one thing.” I smirk and a waitress greets us. I’m a little disappointed to see the man isn’t back. I order a wine and after a moment of thought Ebony does the same.

The waitress comes back and gives me my wine but fails to have anything for Ebony. I look up icily at the waitress.

“She ordered this as well,” I say. “Where is it?” She smiles.

“She never ordered one.”

“Yes she did. Even if didn’t, her water glass is empty. Wouldn’t you bring her a new glass?” I raise my eyebrow and the girl suddenly looks puzzled. She has a problem finding the right words for the only sound that comes out of her mouth is a frustrating crackling sound.

“It’s fine,” Ebony interrupts. She’s turned red again and I know I’ve made her uncomfortable.

“It’s not. Please go get her her drink.” I say it firmly as to let the waitress know I don’t want shit this time.

I turn to Ebony, her cheeks red, and I place my hand over hers.

“You really know how to get what you want, don’t you?”

“Yes. I certainly do.” I smirk. She has no idea.
♠ ♠ ♠
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What Ebony is wearing: