Status: Active, I'll update as much as possible

Open Your Eyes, I'm Watching You


"Sit down," Shawn complained.
"Why?" I whined.
She laughed, "Because I have to pick an outfit for you." She said, turning to her closet. I rolled my eyes and collapsed onto her bed. She threw some clothes at me. I changed into a purple v-neck, and destroyed skinny jeans. I put on some flats and then went over to her dresser. I grabbed the first cute necklace I saw and put it on. She dragged me to the bathroom and did my makeup. Smoky eye shadow, and shiny lip-gloss. While she got ready I straightened my hair. When we were finally ready she dragged me out to her car. She drove to a house that was a mile or two away. The yard was packed with cars. I sighed and slowly got out.
"I really don't like parties." I told her as we walked up to the door.
"I know, that's why you’re the designated driver." She said, handing me her car keys. I grumbled curses under my breath and shoved the keys into my pocket. The door swung open and I was hit by the smell of alcohol, perfume, cologne, and various other smells that didn't mix well. The house was pretty much huge. Shawn went straight for beer. I frowned and followed her. I watched her open a can and swallow it down. She turned to me and grinned. "Hellz yea, we got here at the perfect time." She told me. She grabbed another beer. I followed her to a group of people we knew. They were some college kids. After an hour or so I was overwhelmed. I went outback. There weren't many people there. I did see a few guys though. The more I looked, the more familiar one of them looked. That's when I realized it was Michael, the kid from Borders. I turned away, hoping he hadn't seen me staring.
"Hey," someone said from behind me. I turned and found him standing before me. I bit my lip, trying to make my awkwardness go away.
"hi," I forced myself to stay.
"So, Sealy, what're you doing here?" he asked.
"Uh, being a designated driver." I said. He laughed.
"Sounds fun." He had a beer in his hand.
"Yea, well, I don't really like parties, and when I do get dragged to them I choose not to drink." I told him. He nodded.
"How long are you staying?" he asked.
"until Shawn is drunk off her ass." I laughed.
He grinned, "Do you want to hang out until then?" he asked.
"Sure," I smiled. We found a private spot to sit down. We were underneath a big tree.
"Are you from here?" he asked.
"Yep, born and raised in Miami." I told him. "You?" I asked.
"No, I'm from Daytona. I was going to Daytona State College, then I got accepted to the University of Miami, so I moved down here." He explained.
"Wow, so your in college. How old are you?" I was hoping he wasn't too old. Since I was slightly interested in him.
"19, what about you?" he asked. I looked down, blushing.
"I'm 17," I admitted shyly. He nodded.
"Are you…seeing anyone?" he asked.
"no, I don't date." I blurted out.
"Oh," was all he said.
"it's this promise I made myself," I mumbled, "I don't want to date until I turn 18." I was sure he thought I sounded stupid.
"Oh, that's smart. There's no point in dating when your really young. You can't really do anything." He said. I nodded.
"And teenage boys are a little too…horny for my taste." I said, then laughed. He laughed too. My phone went off in my pocket. I pulled it out and answered.
"Seal! Come find me please!" Shawn yelped into the phone. I sighed.
"okay." I hung up and turned to Michael. "Time to go." I said. He nodded.
"Do you think…I can get your number?" he asked.
"Uh, sure." I smiled. We exchanged numbers quickly.
"Do you want some help finding your friend?" he asked as we got up and started walking back to the house.
"Ha, yea. Thanks." I said, opening the door. We went in and pushed our way through the crowd. Shawn was sprawled out on the couch. I pulled her up. Michael helped me get her out to the car.
"Alright, well, I'll talk to you later." Michael said.
"Bye," I smiled. We hugged quickly. Shawn laid on the horn from the passenger side. I sighed. Michael laughed to himself. I got in the car and started it up.
"Did you enjoy yourself?" Shawn slurred.
"Yes, did you?" I asked.
"No shit!" she yelped, then laughed. I smiled and brought her home. I dragged her up to her room and made her go to bed. When I knew she was asleep I left. My mom was at work when I got home. She works night shifts at the hospital. She's a nurse. I went to my room and fell asleep.
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chapter two. hope you enjoy(:
- Lexi

copyright 2009 ; Hey Miss Lexi