Status: Merry Christmas, Pea. Love you!

The Best Christmas Gift

The Best Gift

Eva tucked a piece of her brown hair behind her ear as she starred out the window. The snow was falling to the ground heavily, but she still needed to go buy some Christmas presents. Her friend Whitney was suppose to come with her, but the roads were far too bad and she couldn't get her car out of the drive way. Eva knew it was a bad idea to travel alone, but she couldn't bare to show up without presents. She sighed, as she got up and decided not to wait any longer.

She bundled up in many layers of clothing, hoping that she didn't freeze to death. Once she had on the layers of clothing, she wrapped a scarf around her neck, and placed her favorite HIM logo beanie over her head to keep her ears warm. She then pulled a pair of heartagram gloves up over her hands. She felt like she couldn't walk, but she knew it was better to be bundled up when venturing out into the snow like this.

She had only been living in America for a year. This year had been the first time she had saw a real snow fall. She truly loved it. It was a beautiful sight, and she would love to sit at home and stare out the window, watch the flakes fall carelessly to the ground, but if she didn't get this shopping done then she wasn't going to be getting any sleep.

After grabbed her purse and keys she walked outside and climbed inside her car. It wasn't the newest thing in the world, but it got her from point A to point B which is all she really cared about. As she climbed inside, the engine came to life, and a slow smile curved it's way onto her lips. She turned the heat on full blast, and then turned the radio on low so she could listen to the news announcements. She wanted to be warned if another snow storm came.

It was just past seven in the afternoon, which meant it was dark out. Some of the shops were still opened though, and she hoped they weren't crowded. She just wanted to get in and get out. She drove slowly down the roads, knowing they could possibly be dangerous. She made sure to watch out for ice spots, and to make sure not to suddenly hit her breaks.

She was probably only on the road for a few minute before she saw emergency lights flashing. She burrowed her brows together as she pulled her car over to the side of the road best as she could. She debated on getting out. This person could either really be in trouble, or they could be waiting for an innocent girl like her to come by and take her for everything she's got.

She only decided that she would get out when she saw that the front of their car had hit the guardrail. She licked over her lips, as she studied the vehicle. It was a blue color, and looked very expensive. She knew if they were driving this kind of vehicle, then they clearly had money. She opened up her door, and walked slowly up to the door of the car. She bent down and tapped her glove against it softly.

Bam looked over when he saw some tapping against his window. He was so thankful someone had stopped. He had been stuck like this for an hour without cell phone service, and no one had drove by. He rolled down the window only half way and starred deeply into a pair of piercing blue eyes. The young lady was bundled up from top to bottom, and he began wondering if she lived in an Igloo.

"You need some help?" She asked, in the sweetest voice he had ever heard.

He wanted to be a smart ass and tell her how obvious it was that he needed help, but he couldn't bring himself to be mean to her. Not only did she have the face of an angel, but she had been kind enough to stop and help him.

"I think my car is pretty much stuck here." He laughed softly, "Do you have a cell phone on you?" He asked.

"I think in my car." She said, and then turned around and began wobbling back to her car.

He stepped out of the lambo and walked back to her car. She was digging through her purse, and he began to notice many things about her. She was wearing heartagram gloves and a beanie. He also noticed that she had a beautiful face. He licked over his lips as she groaned out.

"I forgot. . . It's on charge in my living room." She sighed.

"Damn." Bam mumbled.

"I could go back and get it for you." Eva said, turning around to look at him.

Her mouth dropped. How could she not have noticed him earlier? She didn't see anything but his eyes while she was talking to him through the window, but how could she have not noticed those eyes, or that voice? She licked over her lips as she looked into the eyes of the man she had loved for years.

He smirked knowing she recognized him. He held out his hand, "Bam."

"Eva." She squeaked out.

"Do you live close to here?" He asked.

"About a mile." She mumbled.

"Do you think I could catch a ride back to your place and then use your phone there?"

She nodded her head, "That would be fine."

He thanked her, and jogged back up to his vehicle and turned it off and locked it up. He jogged back down and climbed inside her car. She slowly turned and began heading back to her apartment. She began racking her brain making sure she had remembered to clean everything. She knew the cats had made a mess in the kitchen with their food, so she made a mental note not to let Bam walk in there.

She opened the door for him and pointed to the land line phone as she began stripping out of her many layers. Bam rubbed his snowy shoes against the rug as he walked over and sat down on the couch and picked up the phone.

By the time she had took off her scarf, he was sighing and gripping to pieces of his hair.

"What is it?" She asked.

"The phone lines are down. Must be due to the snow."

"Are you sur---"

She didn't even get to finish her statement. The electricity flickered off. She groaned as she quickly ran around the house and collected the candles she had for an emergency like this. She found the lighter in her drawer, and began lighting them. She walked over and placed one down on the table near where Bam was sitting.

"Do you mind if I stay here for a bit?" He asked, "Just until I can get in touch with someone."

"I don't mind a bit." She smiled, "Can I get you anything?"

He shook his head, "I'm fine. You've been great. Thanks."

She sat down on the recliner across from him, and he started up a conversation with her. It was weird how comfortable the two of them were with each other. He questioned her about everything from her accent, to career. She didn't ask him too many questions. She wanted to ask him about his wife and why he would stay with someone when he seemed so miserable, but she decided to bite her tongue. This was a good night, and she didn't want to ruin it.

"So, are you spending your holidays with a boyfriend or anything?"

She shook her head, "Nope. I'm hoping to see my friend, but that's only if the weather clears up. I'll probably be stuck here alone."

Bam frowned, "That's no way to experience Christmas."

She smiled and shrugged, "It's fine."

"No, really. You should. . . experience it with people you care about."

She nodded her head, "It should be that way, but sometimes it doesn't work out that way."

She had no family in America, and the only people she knew were her friends who lived a good distance away. She didn't know if she'd be able to see them with the snow storm.

"So," She asked, unable to hold back her curiosity any longer. "Do you plan on spending Christmas with your wife?"

"No." He said, "I'm actually going through a divorce."

She was positive her mouth had hit the floor. Had he really just said that? How could she not have heard the news already? Someone would have called her, texted her, messaged her, emailed her, something!

"Divorce?" She asked.

"Yeah. I filed this morning." Bam said, "Sort of a Christmas gift to myself."

She laughed, "Probably the best Christmas gift."

He smirked, "No, I think you were the best Christmas gift."

She burrowed her brows together, as he stood up and walked over to where she was standing. He reached down and grabbed her hand, pulling her up on her feet. She starred up into his piercing blue eyes wondering what he had been talking about. The light from candles flickered against his face, and she could have swore she saw the old Bam coming back through.

"I think me meeting you was the best Christmas gift I could ever get." Bam whispered, as he leaned down and softly pressed his lips against Eva's.

When he pulled away, they were both breathless, and shocked when the electricity flickered back on. Bam looked over at her clock on the wall and saw that it was just after midnight. He smirked as he looked back at the angel standing in front of him.

"Happy Christmas Eve, Eva." He smiled.
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For my Pea <3!