Status: Sorry for the slow updates

Forbidden Sunrise


We were flying home from Italy. I sighed I was home again back to the nightmares.
I looked at my brother, Alec who was playing with his newly dyed hair, I shooked my head.
"Look Rowen, Dad! We're home!" Alec exclaimed as he stared at the window in awe.
Dad just gave the "well-here-we-are-look.
"Yes, home" I nodded giving extra venom in the word.
I will never forget that tragic day 8 years ago when everything crashed down beneath me..

flash back
It was the middle of the night I couldn't sleep, so I got off bed and headed downstairs to watch T.V , I was shocked in what I saw, My mom and Uncle Stefan were there fighting.
"No Stefan! I'm sorry but I have a life now, children, a loving husband..." My mom screeched
"I don't care! You weren't his in the first place! You were supposed to be mine!" I heard Uncle Stefan growl.
This was the first time I saw uncle Stefan get angry, I always saw him smiling, gleaming at the world with happiness but now he was dark and scary. Uncle Stefan and my mom have always been best friends and it hurt me to see them fight.

I wanted to go down there and stop them but before I could I heard my mom scream as Uncle Stefan bit on her neck. My eyes grew wide as I gasped.
"What the? Stefan?!" He trotted down the stairs not even noticing me hiding in the darkness. Dad grabbed a chair and flung it to Uncle Stefan but it didn't budge for the chair broke to pieces as if Uncle Stefan was mad of steel.
"What's Happening?" Alec asked waking up groggily. I flung myself on him and coveedr his mouth with me hand.
He squirmed but held on to him
"Shh!!" whispering quietly, he nodded and we closed our eyes.
My mom shrieked again and I heard her body fall to the ground, I tried my best not to scream.
"Lilian!" My dad shouted my mother's name.
Uncle Stefan gave out a horrifying laugh.
"You son of a--"
"Nu-uh uh! Careful with your words Richard don't want your children hearing anything!"
"Don't you dare hurt my children, Stefan!"
"Oh don't worry Richard I won't hurt them.. well for now I mean, consider this your warning don't worry your precious Lilian is alive but make sure she she approves of our deal or your family will get it" another horrifying laugh erupted from Stefan and I heard a sudden woosh and before I knew it Uncle Stefan was gone.

"Kids! You okay?!" Fear overcame my father's tone.
"Yes Dad" I croaked releasing Alec as he ran clumsily down the stairs
"Dad! It was horrible!! What happened!!" He wailed.
"Shh!! It's gonna be fine! We just have to take your mother to the hospital" Dad crooned.
Relief washed over me as I knew everything was gonna be alright but Dad was wrong.
Everything was wrong. Mom didn't make it in time and died of blood loss
It killed me inside. It killed all of us.

The next day I Mom was in a casket, Even in death she looked not peaceful as she was worried about something, but with the average eye she looked breathtaking her blonde hair curled her porcelain face blushed with make-up and her hands on her stomach.
Me and my family had seen right through it.

After a few days Dad packed for Italy knowing it wasn't safe here, and life was quiet ever since as if nothing happened, as if mother never died that way, as if she just died of a sickness, but me and Dad knew the truth and planned to avenge mother, that's why we went to Italy to be trained by the best vampire hunters and also Italy is flooded with vampires to practice on. Alec thought of the idea as stupid that revenge wasn't the answer and we were gonna get ourselves killed, but we ignored him. Our minds were set

End of flashback

I snapped back to the present as the plain was put to a hault.
When we got off. Jersey hasn't changed a bit .
It was still the dirty placed I loved and at the same time loathed.
I breathed in taking in all the air I can take.
"You ready?" Dad asked and Alec rolled his eyes.
I nodded.
♠ ♠ ♠
Author's note:
:D My new story hoped you liked the first chapter :)