Status: Sorry for the slow updates

Forbidden Sunrise

Connecting the Dots

Rowen's P.O.V

Dad showed my several books about Edmund and his coven it also held a picture of Edmund.
Well not actually picture like a sketch. Well you get it.
It was weird cause Edmund was damn good looking, kinda reminded me of Gerard. Well kinda they both have beautiful black hair, glistening eyes.
I thought for a minute. Wouldn't it be funny if Gerard was a vampire?
I smiled and shook the thought away.
Yeah right, If Gerard was a vampire, he would be--I blinked and dropped Dad's books
It was there that I realized something, though I didn't want it to be true I still wanted to make sure.
I quickly trotted myself upstairs to my room.
I closed the door hard and rummaged through my drawers, tossing everything that wasn't what I was looking for far across the room.

A smile seeped through my face when I finally found it, a old leather black notebook.
When I was still learning to be a hunter I used to write down all the things important to be a good hunter, including how would you know if it's human or a vampire.

I opened it, flipping through page by page until I finally found it. I rolled my eyes at my hand writing..

Characteristics of a vampire:
Aside from being dead (LOL), have no need of things usually required in human life, for example breathing, though they can still use there lungs. They can also eat human food, not that they like it but they can still eat it
They often have Pale complextion

Gerard always had pale skin, but that doesn't mean he's a vampire right? I mean look at me I'm as pale as him!
Even though I tried to say that to myself I kept on reading.

Vampires are also cool to touch from the perspective of humans.
Ugh Damn Kazaf Why can't he just say cold-skinned Haha

I smiled a bit at my notes but it went as fast as it came. I remembered shaking Gerard's hand the first time we met and it was cold as ice. Another point for vampire.
Still it can't be right? I mean it was really cold that day! But still I kept on reading,

The thing you have to watch out the most is there eyes. They often have strange glistened to them. They can use it to overwhelm you give you weird feelings like hate, insanity, fear or even love

I felt my eyes starting to water as I still read on.

A vampire lives in a constant state of desire and disgust. His nature often revolts him, but he doesn't have the will to deny his indulgences. There's the killing, but there's also the pleasure, the sensuality, the lust. The sheer ecstasy of it all

I couldn't take it anymore as I threw the notebook hearing it make a thud.
Inhaling the cold air made me shudder. Anger weld up in me. Flashbacks of Gerard and how he talked about how he hated his life and that he wasn't right for second chances.
I exhaled sharply and glared darkly at the wall. Why was I so damn blind? I'm such an idiot!! Another damned vampire looking for a snack. That's why he made a horrified expression when I said I was a "vampire Hunter"

I gave out a horrifying throaty laugh.
"Io sono un idiota!" I screamed to myself as I laughed more. [I'm such an idiot!]
BAM! Something hit my window that startled me. I rubbed my eyes and walked to the window.

I put on a fake smile as I open the curtains. Speaking of the devil
Okay, keep it cool Rowen. I had an extra potion in my pocket.
I opened my window. "What are doing here?" I asked.
He shrugged "Just wanted to see you" He said with that crooked smile
and the weirdest thing was even though I knew what Gerard was, that smile still my knees grow weak.

I smiled back "Uhm. Why don't we take a walk?"
He grinned "Sure."
I grabbed my jacket and went down stairs but somebody grabbed my wrists.
"Where the hell do you think your going?" Alec demanded.
"None of your business Alec, Now let go" I snapped trying to shake of his grip.
His gripped grew tighter "No. I have a bad feeling about this Row"
"You always have bad feeling about EVERYTHING!!" I yelled.
"This time it's different Row. It doesn't have to do with the the Twin thing. I have a bad feeling about him" he muttered.
"How do you even know he's out there!?!" I screamed.
"C'mon Row be reasonable! and also you only met that guy for two whole days! You don't even know him yet!!" His gripped loosened a bit.
I finally managed to shake him off and gripped the door handle.
"Actually Alec I know exactly what he is" I whispered as I went out the door.

I saw Gerard smiling as I walked to him.
"Hey," He greeted.
I only smiled in reply.
We walked all the way to the forest where Me and Dad usually hunt.
"So.." He started.
"Gerard, How old are you?" I asked.
He shrugged "23"
I mentally rolled my eyes. Yeah, right.
I nodded.
"Why do you ask?" He questioned.
I shrugged. "Nothing."
He cocked a brow. "Rowen something's wrong" he said concerned putting his hand on my shoulder. Why was he concerned at me? I was merely food to him am I right? That when I snapped.
"You're Damn right something's wrong!!" I snapped shaking of his hand.
His faced turned bewildered with a hint of fear. "Are you okay?" He asked.
"No! I'm not okay!!" I screamed as I threw rocks at him (sorry for the pun).
He didn't flinch as the rocks hit him. He hung his head low.
"You know do you?"
♠ ♠ ♠
Wow. That was long!! anyway I promise to you guys more Gerard scenes tomorrow. Actually It was supposed to be a different scene but I changed it I think this seems more dramatic and it makes Rowen look like a crazy person right? Hehe.
More tomorrow!! :)
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