Status: Sorry for the slow updates

Forbidden Sunrise

your the second vampire that I didn't want to kill

Rowen's P.O.V

As a blanket of light enveloped the sky.
I sat down on the mushy grass and so did Gerard.
"Soo.." Gerard started.
I opened my mouth to speak but my cell rang.
"Probably, Dad" I muttered as I flipped my phone open.
"Yo! Talk to me."
"Hey, Rowz got your call sorry if I've been really busy lately." A familar voice said in the back ground.
I gasped. "Kazaf?"
Gerard's head snapped up from my expression.
"Yeah. So how are you?" Kazaf said a little bit more happy.
"I'm good. How 'bout you?" I said a smile forming on my face.
He laughed, "Good as well.
I smiled.
"So..what was the call about?" He said his voice a bit serious.
Damn Kazaf always so concerned.
"Oh that. Well I kinda solved it. So no need to be concerned Kazaf" I said as my eyes feel on Gerard who was still looking at me.
"Hm. Well if you have no more problems then you wouldn't mind me visiting. Would you?" Kazaf asked a bit nervous.
I cocked a brow. "Sure, sure"
Kazaf sighed in relief "Good well see you in few days"
"See you" I muttered and hang up.
Gerard smiled "Who's Kazaf?"
"Oh. He's the best! He taught me everything I know about being a hunter and.." I trailed and decided not to make it long.
I chuckled "He's my best friend. Why? Are you Jealous?"
He stood up and tilted my chin up so I can see his eyes.
"Why would I be jealous? Your already mine."
I blushed and smacked him playfully.

He chuckled "So is he coming to visit or what?"
I blinked. How did he? Oh yeah. Super hearing.
"Eavesdropper!" I mocked playfully.
He shrugged.

My eyes widened as I remembered something, standing up I exclaimed "Oh shit! I gotta run to the nearest blood bank!"
Gerard cocked a brow "Why?"
I rolled my eyes "For Kazaf of course."
Gerard seemed now confused. I mentally slapped myself Gerard doesn't know.
"Kazaf's a vampire." I mumbled softly.
Gerard's eyes went wide "What?!?"
"Well he's the good kind, your the second vampire that I didn't want to kill"
"Oh and so I'm not the good?" He said a tad bit angry.
I hook my head "No. No. What I mean was.. It's pretty complicated Gerard. I mean the one he loved was killed by a vampire who was trying to kill him, because Kazaf is actually royality. I don't know why does vampire tried to kill him, Kazaf refuses to tell me. Anyway, Kazaf joined the alliance of vampire hunters because he gave up on being this..this monster he just wants to do good. I used to believe as much as Kazaf did on vampires are all monsters but don't know.." I trailed off.
Gerard patted my back and I continued "It's not that your not good Gee I mean you are but I don't your coven. oops sorry I mean your Dad for what he has done to my family I can never forgive him for that."
Gerard Nodded deciding not to push the subject "Soo..Why do you need to go to the blood bank. I mean Kazaf can just get a meal here."
I shook my head "You wish. Like I said Kazaf's Royalty. He only DRINKS blood, he doesn't suck."
Gerard Laughed Out Load. "Oh My GOD!! That sounds completely gay!! I mean a vampire that doesn't suck blood? What the hell is that about!! Even if he is royalty!!"
I glared at him. "Your such a douche Gerard."
Gerard's laughter ceased and he wiped tears of his face.
"Sorry, sorry. It's just that Kazaf's more of a human then he is a vampire."
"Well, sorry if he's not your type of vampire." I said coldly.
"Sorry." He mumbled as he stood up as well.

The sun was at it's highest point. How long have we been talking.
"Uh. Dad and Alec are probably wondering where I am so see you later?" I said as I put my hands in my pockets.
Gerard nodded "Yeah sure, sure."
and with a swoosh he was gone.
I shook my head and started running home. I opened the door quietly, panting from exhaustion I slumped and put my hands on my knees.
"Oh. Hey Row look who came to visit!!" Alec exclaimed. I lifted my head to see Kazaf smiling.
My Jaw fell on the floor. "How did you--"
"Vampire remember? and plus I took the fastest jet in Hong Kong and when I got of I thought it be better if I ran then take an 8 hour drive on lousy car." Kazaf explained.
I smiled "Well then come over here and give me a hug!"
He ran toward me before I could even open my arms fully. He lifted me up and spun me around.
I laughed. "Miss you too!! Now put me down!!"
He chuckled and put me down. "Gee Row have you been fighting your butt off? You reek of vampire!"
Alec and Dad shot me a glance, I shrugged "well you know me"
Dad seemed to bought it, but Alec and Kazaf knew something was up.
I sighed. My brother and my bestfriend knew me me better than anyone else.

Kazaf shook his head and didn't want to push the subject any further "So how was hunting in Jersey?"
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for the late update, I've been really busy and I got caught up in reading an awesome story here on mibba!
If you love Joker I suggest you read it!! Click Here If your interested.
Anyway. Here's a pic of Kazaf For my wonderful readers.
Also, thank you so much for my commenter!! You rock!!!

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