Status: Sorry for the slow updates

Forbidden Sunrise

What have I put myself into?

Rowen's P.O.V

Holy Shit! What have I done!!

I walked briskly back and fort in my room.

What am I going to tell Kazaf when he finds out?

'Sorry I can't help it? I'm very attracted and unconditionally in love with this guy?

No! Kazaf will think I'm mad. Well, I already am.

Ugh. I let myself fall on the bad face first.
I heard a ver load thud in my room which made me Jump.

"Ahh!" I yelled as I fell from me bed.
I groaned as I stood up and saw Gerard standing with a big apologetic grin on his face.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I half whispered half yelled.

"I thought you were asleep" He said.

I cocked a brow "You like to watch me sleep!?"

"Hey! I only did it one time! and yes! I like to watch you sleep. I find it interesting." Gerard held his hands defensively.

I rolled my eyes "Are you trying to be Edward Cullen?"

Gerard smiled "Yes I tried and I find it very hard. I don't know the first thing on how to be romantic."

I felt my heart stop a beat. He was trying to be romantic for me? Wow. No one has ever done that for me before.

"Aww. Gee you didn't have to try to be romantic. I love you just the way you are" I giggled as I came close to him and kissed his cheek.

He blushed. "Thanks Row. Did I mention you talked in your sleep?"

I felt my jaw drop. "I what?!"

He chuckled. "yeah. You mention me a lot"

I shook my head "What do you mean by a lot?"

He grinned more cheekily.

"Ugh!!" I laid down on my be and reached for my pillow and screamed in it.
What. The. Hell. That is so embarrassing!

I felt my bed sunk low as Gerard sat down.

"Hey, Hey it's totally fine. Y'know you're in my dreams too."

I lifted the pillow enough to see his still smiling face. Being the hopeless romantic that I am, I blushed.

I sat up "Really?"


I smiled and hugged him. Everything seemed nice and I seemed to forget my troubles, but it came tumbling afterwords.

"Gerard?" I said,

"Yeah?" He Replied caressing my hair.

"Would you like to meet Kazaf?" I asked nervously.

"Well, if you want." He said calmly.

I smiled at his sincerity "Yeah I do but.."

"But?" He waited.

"Well, like I told you. Kazaf's a vampire. He also knows a lot about them. Seeing he is one. He can also smell a vampire from a Mile away." I explained.

"This is bad because?" said Gerard, confused.

"It's bad because Kazaf's a killer Gerard. He kills his own kind! If finds out your a vampire he can kill you with a blink of his eye!!" I said, over reacting.

"Shh. Calm down Row." He cooed.

"Calm Down? Gerard! He might kill you!"

Gerard pushed me down and hugged me tightly. "Shh. Rowen. Breath."

I nodded my head and followed. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale.

"Now. Look Rowen Kazaf's your best friend right? I'm sure he'll understand no matter what." He cooed, caressing my hair.

I nodded. Maybe he's right Kazaf is in fact my best friend in the whole wide word. I felt my eyes grow heavy as I went to slumber.

Next Day

Me and Kazaf were walking to the forest where our meeting place was. I inhaled all the breath I can take. No need to worry, No need to worry, No need to worry I kept reapeting to myself over and over.

I saw Gerard leaning against a tree. I smiled as I ran to him.

"Hey Gee!" I said as I kissed his cheek.

Kazaf stiffened. I smiled widely as far as I could.
Please don't let this end bad! I prayed.

Kazaf smiled
"Nice to meet you Gerard." He said as he held out his hand.
Gerard took and shook it "You too, Kazaf."

Kazaf expression changed as if he saw something.and the one word that rolled from his mouth that ruined everything.

"Vampire." Kazaf muttered blankly.

Uh-Oh. What have I put myself into?
♠ ♠ ♠
yes, Rowen what have you put yourself into?
Chapter 14!! Haha I already had this in word! and I was very eager to show this to you guys!!
So here ti is!! :)

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*kneels, grovels and begs* Please?? that's all I want!! Please?? :3