Status: Sorry for the slow updates

Forbidden Sunrise

First Hunt

"Tutto ciò è bello!" Alec exclaimed as we got to the new house we're moving in.
I rolled my eyes how is everything beautiful When everything in this place brings back my nightmare?
Have he simply forgotten that night when our mother died?
He was the same age as me when it happened [a/n: oh yeah.,. Alec and Rowen are fraternal twins :)]
"Arrogante Buffone" I muttered, he glared at me.
"Alright guys! Could'ya stop with the Italian speaking? We're in Jersey now!" Said Dad. I Rolled my eyes.
"Dad, Just because you didn't learn how to speak Italian doesn't mean you have to strike it on us" Me and Alec said at the same time.
Oh yea, We also have that twin thing when we know what we're both thinking and we can feel each others emotions very well.
Me and Alec smiled, as Dad gave out a "hmmph" and walked off.

I climbed up the stairs and picked a room.
I picked the last door in the hall 'cause it was the one with a balcony and a cute bathroom.
I started fixing my room hanging posters on the crimson wall and changed the white covers and white pillow cases with black.
I finished setting my room and it only took me 2 hours.
The last box sat on my bed.
I sat down and opened it.
It held a glass box filled with little glass boxes.
The bottles at the top were filled with a reddish mixture
while the the bottles at the bottom were filled with a yellowish mixture
The reddish liquid helps us in fighting vampires it gives us all the powers off an average vampire, such as Strength and speed, but it has a bad side effect it. You only have your sanity in 24 hours if goes on for too long you'll eventually turn into a vampire.
That's what the yellowish liquid is for, it serves as an antidote.

My Dad got this when we went hunting in Hong Kong, it came from a good friend of his named Kazaf, another hunter. If we run out we can always get more from him.

I stood up quickly feeling my brother will be calling me in 5, 4, 3, 2..
I walked to his room which was next to mine.
I leaned against the door "Yes?"
"What the hell is this?!" He asked holding the same glass box.
I shrugged.
"Oh don't play stupid with me!! Voi Zuccone!!"
I held my hands defensively "I didn't do anything!"
He groaned "Yeah right."
He shove me the box.
"Idiota! I don'!! want to join You and Dad's Irresponsible excuse for hunting! Don't you know how dangerous it is? I know what happen to Mom, yes it was terrible! But whats more terrible is You and Dad's Revenge of stupidity!"
That hit me hard. I clenched me jaw.
I stomped of to my room and slammed the door shut.

Alec knocked vigorously on the door.
"Rowen, look I'm sorry of what I said! It's not that what your doing is stupid but it's dangerous C'mon Row..I think...I think that something bad is gonna happen.. I can feel it."
I heard the door of his room close.

I sighed and walked to my vanity mirror to look at a gold frame that stood beautifully mocking me.
"I'm sorry Mom, I know, this is dangerous but he's out there and he has to die."

As twilight came.
Me and Dad went to the forest for first hunt in New Jersey.
We Perched high in the trees waiting for our prey
then it came.
It was obviously a nomad vampire seeing he was alone.
Vampires from covens always hunt in a group.
Me and Dad held up the bottles with the reddish liquid in it.
"Toast" We both whispered and chugged.
Ick. Tastes like blood.
A weird shudder rippled through my body.
A growl erupting from my lips.
On the signal we pounced.
We ripped his body apart.
Strangling him, Mauling him.
Everything it would take to shred him.
You Deserve this you pathetic piece of shit!! MORRIRE!! I thought
He turned into dust beneath us.
Me and Dad smiled triumphantly.
We reached into our pockets and opened the small bottle of the yellowish liquid.
We held it up.
"To our first hunt in New Jersey!" Dad proclaimed.
"To our first hunt.." I whispered
♠ ♠ ♠
author's note:
Morrire means die and zuccone means hard head!
for the people who didn't know!
Hope you enjoyed chapter 2!
comments would be loved