Status: Sorry for the slow updates

Forbidden Sunrise

A Dream? More Like A Nightmare!

I was sitting in a beautiful meadow everything was bright and gleaming.
I sighed and stood noticing that I was wearing a gold and white 18th century dress and that my hear was up in the same fashion.
I smiled and spun around.
Laughing almost forgetting my worries.
I closed my eyes as I spun.
When I re-opened them I was in the a different place.
A sort of ball.
A masquerade ball.
Everyone was dressed up like me only they had masks hiding there faces.
I sighed with awe, everyone looked breathtakingly beautiful,
but only one stood out above the rest
The mask he wore was the same as everyone else only covering half of his face, covering his eyes, but there was something about him.
He came close to me a smile played on his lips.
I can't help mine tug along as well.
"Hello," his voice was like velvet.
I couldn't speak.
"May I have this dance?" He asked.
Still I was speechless.
"Ah..maybe you speak in a different dialect. Italian perhaps? maggio ho questo ballo?" His voice velvet and it his accent was so surreal I could've fainted.
keep your composure! Dammit! I muttered in my head.
I had to answer him. Quick.
I opened my mouth to speak "Yes.."
He smiled again only this time I saw his eyes glistened it was then that I realize how beautiful they were it was the prettiest shade of Hazel.
He beckoned his hand and I happily accepted it.
We danced in silence, but it felt nice.
He spun me around gracefully
and tightened his grip on my waist, my heart quickened
He chuckled as if he heard it.
He spun me around for the last time and bent me over.
his face inches on my face.
I felt blood rush through my cheeks.
It was thn that I noticed that we were standing infront of a large mirror,
I gasped when I saw the reflection upon it.
It was just me
in the reflection I was suspended bent over as if someone was there holding me like that but in the mirror know one was there.
The mirror showed that the room was empty it was just me.
I gulped and looked around seeing all the people had stopped dancing and was looking at me and the mystery guy.
I was still bent over he lifted me up a bit and touched my neck.
Fear overwhelming me.
Everyone was smiling devilishly there faces turning into monsters.
I tried to scream but the mystery man stopped me.
"Shhh.." He cooed..
I whimpered.
He straighten me up his arm still around my waist.
"It's going to be alright, sugar" He whispered in my ear his mouth kissing my cheek down to my neck and he smiled showing all his sharp white teeth.
Before I could scream he bit me.
It was agony. Everyone in the room made that horrifying laugh that Stefan had..
I felt him sucking my life out and everything went black

"Ahhh!!!" I screamed.
"Row? Rowen!? You okay!?" Alec asked
I gasped and put my hand on my forehead "Y-yes.. it was just a d-dre-- OH MY GOD!!"
I cried and flung myself to Alec
"Shh.. It'll be alright.. it was just a dream.." he cooed rubbing my back
I cried more "A dream? More like a nightmare!! Oh My God Alec! It was horrible!!"
"Shh.. I know..Shh now.. and breath"
I nodded and cried in his chest.

As dawn broke and the sun danced on my crimson walls.
I went down the stairs and saw Alec eating his cereal.
"Hey Row, you feeling any better?"
I nodded. A Lie.
Alec knew that, he knew me better than anyone else. Even if we didn't have the twin thing. If he was blind in a sea of blondes he would know me right away.
He just nodded not pressing the subject any further.
"Where's Dad?" I asked as I poured milk in my cereal.
Alec Shrugged "Went to the post office getting your supplies of potions"
"I have a question."
"What is it, Alec?"
"When you know, you drink it. What do you feel?"
I thought about for a minute, what did I feel?
"Uhhmm.. It's complicated, it's like a surge of power overwhelms you and you can do anything"
Alec nodded and asked nothing more as he placed his bowl in the sink.
I put mine in as well.
"Well, I'm going to take a bath." I said as I went up the stairs.
The hot really soothed me though I had a few shudders remembering mydream uh Nightmare.
It just felt so real.
I got dressed in a simple misfits shirt and jeans
I took my jacket and shoes as I went down stairs to the door.
"Be careful" Alec said before I would say where I was going.
Ugh. The Twin thing.
I'm not going to go hunting but I pack some potions just in case.
I headed to the city library, reading always makes me feel better.
The Library was almost a ghost twon.
Like 3 people were there.
I sighed and looked over and the thriller books picking up a Anne Rice book.
I sat on the empty tables and got so absorbed in the story.
I gasped at the sound of the chair beside as someone sit down.
He was scarily pale, with long hair almost to his shoulders and he had the most beautiful Hazel eyes which I seem to know from somewhere.

"Hi," he said, his voice was so familiar I just don't know where.
"Hey," I replied.
He smiled, it was crooked but it fit him well.
"You like Anne Rice?"
"Uhh.. yea.. I guess she's good."
He nodded and opened his book Eclipse by: Stephenie Meyer
It made me smile.
"Your in to the whole twilight thing?"
He looked up "uhh no.. well.. the story's good it's just that.."
he trailed off..
"Tell me." I pushed.
"Well I think it's kinda dangerous I mean doesn't Bella know she's in grave danger? having a relationship with vampires"
I nodded "Yea. It is very dangerous but she loves him I guess it just doesn't matter."
His head tilted to the side "Howd'ya know vampires are dangerous?"
"Well..Let's just say I met a few and I had a privileged to get to know them more
"I'm Rowen by the way"
He smiled that crooked smiled again "I'm Gerard"
♠ ♠ ♠
A.N: Yipee!! hope y'all like chapter 3!! comments please!!