Status: Sorry for the slow updates

Forbidden Sunrise

Seeking help from vampire strangers

"Ha! I knew I smelled a Human here." The voice growled

I stared at him, and he grinned at me his sharp white teeth glimmering.

I whipped the gun from my leg, "Come any closer and I will kill you!"

He laughed, "You? An insolent little human? Kill me?"

"I will. Step back!" I yelled, my finger on the trigger.

There were two shadowy figures at the door way.

"Dude, stop it now. She could kill us." Another voice said from the doorway.

"Would she? I don't think she has the guts." The guy infont of me said.

I twitched, How dare him say I can't do it? I have killed thousands of vampires and this is as easy as pie.

But my body did not respond to my actions for I was very tired of walking, I felt of a pang dizzyness come over me as everything in my vision blurred and everything went black.

Hours Later

I awoke, but I didn't open my eyes for I heard shuffling and voices.

"Frank I think you scared her half to death," A familiar voice said, it was the guy at the door way.

"well she asked for it!!" What was known as Frank, defended.

I mentally rolled my eyes, again how dare he say things like that? I was never scared of him!! GOD!!

"I don't think you scared her," Another voice said, it was unfamiliar for it was deep yet calming.

"What the hell does that suppose to mean?" Frank asked, baffled.

"I mean just look at what we found in her coat, guns, steaks, weird looking potions, I think--I think she's a vampire hunter." The voice explained.

"But, but she fainted!" Frank defended.

The guy with the deep voice sighed, "Well just look at her! I mean she looked utterly tired! She must've been walking for hours"

I totally loved that guy for he understood haha. Whoever he was.

"Sugar, open your eyes already we know you're awake" Frank hissed,

I opened my eyes to see 3 very handsome boys gawking at me.

One who I remember was the guys who broke down the door and I threatened to kill, which I assumed now was 'Frank', he was short, well we were almost the same height.
He had several tatoos on his arms and very piercing Hazel eyes.

There was this very tall guy with a huge Afro, which suited him well, and another guy about average height with blonde hair and blue eyes,

"You know it's rude to stare," Frank queered.

I snap out and blushed, "Oh sorry,"

"So you got a name, hunter?" Frank asked,

I ignored the 'hunter' thing, "Uh, Rowen"

"Huh, nice name, I'm Ray" What was now known as Ray streched out a hand and I gladly shook it, it was very cold, duh, vampire.

"Nice to meet you," I said,

He smiled, "And that's Bob," He motioned to the blonde guy, "and I guess you already know that midget frank," He motioned to an unhappy Frank.

"Okay, enough of the stupid introducing shit, I wanna know why the hell you were in our house?" Frank said, tapping his foot.

I cocked a brow, "This isn't technically yours, right? It's belongs to family, The Damon Family to be exact."

Frank laughed, "Well so what? They moved! I don't see any Damon family here!"

I grinned at him, and Bob finally spoke up, "Heh. Frank can't you see? She's a Damon."

He was the one with the deep voice, I smiled at him, and nodded to Frank, "Nice to meet you I'm Rowen Damon."

Ray looked at me and with a quick 'woosh' he was holding a frame,

"You mean you're the little girl from this picture?" He asked, handing me a gold frame with a picture, the colors were slightly faded but you could still see the faces.

It was a family portrait that showed the happiest family you would ever see, composed of a Father, a Mother, and two children who were twins.

Tear threatened to fall as I stared at their smiling faces, for that time was so long ago, a time where everything was fine.

The little girl mocked me with her perfect smiles, how could she smile when everything in her life was going to fall apart? How could she look so happy? Without a care in the world?

"Yes, that's me" I muttered as I was lost in thought as I stared again at the little girl, I would've said 'no' for this is not me, well not anymore.

I am not the little girl who would weep when her mother was taken away, I am not the little girl who would run with fear when a monster is in front me, That little girl has died, she has died within me long ago, and has only left a cruel, revengeful person who wanted nothing more than to kill.

"Hm. So what brings you here?" Bob asked,

I jerked away from my thoughts as I stared at him, "I'm here on a mission"

They nodded,

"I can see from you're get up that your 'mission' involves on killing vampires," Bob queered, putting his finger on his chin.

Yes i would kill them all if I only find where they are, which reminds me, "Uh, You guys wouldn't happen to where the Avventura Coven household is would you?"

I grimaced, it sounded totally racist! I mean it's like asking a random black guy if he knows this other black guy, just because they were black they would know each other! That's completely insane and cruel!

They looked at each other and laughed, I gawked at them, Another time of vampire jokes. Grr.

"Honey, we are the Avventura Coven, well the real members" Frank snickered.

I blinked, "Real members?"

"Yeah, those so called Coven isn't actually the real members on which Edmund has made, well except for Edgar, Stefan, Gerard and Michael.. well Gerard and Michael were actually made like the others but Stefan had put them in the Way section so I think that counts them as true members." Ray explained.

"Edgar? Michael?" I asked, confused.

Bob sighed, "Edgar is Stefan's brother, his best friend, but Edgar prefers to be detached from the Coven and visits once every 5 years, while Michael is Gerard's younger brother."

I nodded and stood up, "Thank you for your time, but seeing that you don't know where it is I'll be on my way."

I walked over to a round table, where I saw all my weapons and my treanch coat, I shrugged it on and roughly shoved my things in it's place.

Frank frowned and turned serious, "Oh we know where it, but why would we tell you?"

Typical, I kept silent.

"Yeah, why would we? Your a hunter one of the enemies of vampires" Ray said,

"Your probably going to go and fight the Avventura Coven, I think it's stupid, The Coven is ginormous you couldn't handle them alone, I thought hunters like you ran in groups why are you alone know?" Bob asked a little too rudely, which caused a nerve to snap.

How dare he? How dare all of them!

"You don't know anything." I snapped.

"Oh I know, I know that you're seeking revenge for whatever sin they have cast on you but still going through it alone, how stupid are you?" Bob sneered.

"I'm not stupid, it's not like I had choice! My Dad is in trouble and the people that could help have gone AWOL! Gerard left me, Kazaf doesn't understand, and my brother turned into something else! It's not about getting revenge anymore! I'm doing this for all them." I yelled,

They all went silent for a moment, I sighed and started walking to the door, but a cold hand grabbed my wrists.

"We will tell you if you accept our help." Frank offered.

I stared at him, Why would he want to help me?

"I don't want to put you guys in trouble just for some girl," I said,

"Yeah Frank, why bother? I mean she might even kill us after all we were part of the Avventura Coven" Bob snapped.

I sighed, "Actually there's just one vampire I want to kill,"

"Stefan," they muttered at the same time.

I nodded and smiled weakly at them,

Ray shook his head, "You can't just fight him! The whole coven will fight you off! Because Stefan's their leader and they will do everything to protect him,"

I frowned, "I will fight them all off, I will not stop 'till my last dying breath." and was about to walk to the door when..

Frank chuckled, "Then we will help you."
♠ ♠ ♠
Surprise! Am I predictable or what? Haha! Well I had to put them in the story somewhere!


Love you guys!