Status: Sorry for the slow updates

Forbidden Sunrise

Alexander? Who the hell?

Kazaf's P.O.V

"What the 'friggin hell? Where the hell are we?" Alec exclaimed, for we were in the city now not in the forest,

Frank smirked, "You guys are obviously aren't prepared to fight of the Avventura Coven"

"What the hell?" I demanded, "but I thought-"

"Even though I knew Rowen for just 2 hours I already know here ver well," Frank said cutting me off, "You see when Rowen used the term help you guys on whatever you guys need, I leaded it to you guys helping her with her mess, but you guys are weak, well Alec--I see that Alec is a very strong vampire and can beat Stefan but," He stared at Alec for a moment then sighed, "he has that anger issues."

"I--What?!" Alec exclaimed,

"Woah, dude calm down!" Ray said,

Alec shook his head, "How the hell can I calm down when my sister is out there and probably bitten and eaten alive by Stefan!!"

"Well I don't think so, I know Stefan, and--" Frank was cut of by Alec,

"You know him?"

"Well actually we were part of the Avventura Coven, but when Stefan turned the coven into something evil we decided to detach ourselves" Bob explained,

"Oookay, so why'd you bring us here, in New York?" I asked,

Frank smiled, "To meet Vladamir"

My heart quickened, "Vladimir? One of the highest leaders of the vampires?"

Bob nodded, "You know him?"

"Know him? Huh. I fought him, he thought that I was abusing myself by protecting humans and killing other vampires, he wanted my dead, so we had a duel and I almost killed him, at the final draw I spared his life, if he spared mine, so he let me live on in protecting humans" I explained with fear,

It has been how long? I believe it was about 50 years ago? Ugh, Why'd it had to be Vladimir?
Of all the Leaders and Masters,

Oh yeah, 'cause he knows how to fight, fight hard and well,

"Wait you fought Vlad and won?" Frank asked, amazed

"Well, I always make this potions where a human can turn into a human for a whole day, but I created a more powerful potion that can make you very very powerful but it only lasts for about half an hour and that's what I used to defeat Vladimir, I only made three, the first one I used, the second one I gave the Alec and Rowen's Dad"

"And the other one?" Alec asked, eager

I reached in deep in pocket, "Right here,"

I held the small bottle in my hands, as the bluish liquid in it shimered,

"Wow," Alec was about the reach for it when I put it back in my pocket,

"If it falls to the untrained hands, it could get a little deadly," I said, eying Alec.

He glared at me then sighed, "Okay. so when are we meeting this Vlad--guy? So we can get this over with,"

Ray nodded, and we were off

With the sounds of wind rustling we were gone,

We went to a very large building that had a large V on it, to tell you the truth it didn't look like a vampire was there,

as we opened the glass door a gush of cool air welcomed us, and a very young-looking British receptionist gleamed and greeted us,

"Hello! Welcome may I.." She trailed of as her pale blue eyes dropped at the sight of Frank, Ray, and Bob

"Oh I see, come with me," She said, as she stood up and lead us to the elevator,

Her eyes never leaving Alec's face and mine,

"This can be a bit of bumpy ride," She said as she lead us in,

"Why aren't you coming along?" I blurted out

She only smiled at me as she pushed a button and the elevator door closed,

"Where does this lead to?" Alec asked,

Bob smirked, and pointed down.

I gulped, ]i]Uh-oh

The elevator clanked as it dropped, we were falling, fast

I clenched my teeth as the elevator shaft clanked as we fell.

The elevator was put to a rough halt as we heard a 'ting'

The elevator door cranked open to reveal a very medieval looking hallway.
I smiled, Ah much better this definitely looked like a Vampire's place,

We walked briskly in the dusty hallway our shoes clicking on the floor there was only one door at the end of the hallway and it was very large, a huge double door,

Bob and Ray opened the gigantic door to revel three people in the room, on had was sittied at large throne like chair and he look utterly bored, I recognized that face anywhere it was Vladimir the other two were fighting, my eyes widened as I saw none other than Gerard Way.

He whipped his head to look at us he was a mess, he looked paler than I last saw him and had bags under his eyes, I didn't know he could look more dead than usual

"Edgar?" Ray said in utter shock,

The other guy that was beside Gerard stared back he too had the same shocked expression, "Ray? Bob? Frank?"

What was known as Edgar frowned as his eyes wandered on Alec, the emotion in his eyes changed, what could it be? Happiness? Hope?

Edgar tore his eyes from Alec and stared at Gerard, Gerard nodded and with a 'swoosh' he was gone.

"Edgar it's so nice to see you again," Frank said,

Edgar smiled, "Yes it is, and also I thought Alexander was dead."

"He is." Bob stated,

Alexander? who the hell? I felt a little left out of the box for they knew things that I didn't know,

"Then who is this?" Edgar motioned to Alec,

Alec frowned, "The name's Alec Damon sir,"

Edgar eyebrows raised, "Damon? Wow in the presence of a Damon, Frank don't you think he has a very large resemblance to Alexander?"

"Alexander? Who is he?" I finally spoke up, getting Vladamir's attention.

Vladimir starred at me then smiled,

"What a wonderful surprise! and I thought this day was going to be very boring! Kazaf how are you?" Vladimir grinned at me, I gulped.

I couldn't find my voice as Edgar spoke up, "I apologize master but would you give us some alone time?"

Vladamir's smile faded and he just nodded, "After you're done I would like a talk with my old friend Kazaf"

He walked away and I heard the large door close,

"Now were we?" Frank asked,

"You were telling us why I'm connected with this Alexander guy." Alec queered as he sat on Vladamir's throne,

Everyone even me looked at him like he committed a murder for he was sitting on Vladamir's throne,

"Well? Go on!!" Alec commanded as crossed his legs, very content.

My brows furrowed and they sighed,

"Well this all started around when the Avventura was just created," Edgar explained,

I rose a brow, "Yes, yes I know that story Edmund begged a Coven of witches to give him the immunity to be prone to sunlight and the witches granted that wish and--"

"That's not the complete story," Ray cut in.

"You mean there's more?" Alec asked, interested,

Frank nodded, "Yeah, witched just don't grant spells for free."

"So you mean there was a price?" I said, suddenly getting more interested.

They all nodded,

"and this price is?" Alec asked,

"A curse."

"Typical, witches always do exchange magic with curses." Alec queered, "So what does this curse have to do with Dad being kidnapped?"

"Actually it doesn't concern your Dad" Edgar said,

"Then what does it concern?" Alec questioned.

Edgar gazed at Alec's expression, "Rowen."

Alec frowned, "Go on."

Rowen's P.O.V

My eyes felt sore, as I blinked, I didn't want to cry anymore for it was useless, if I cry will everything come back to normal? Of course not! So why cry? It's useless and pathetic.

I looked around the room, it was the first time I noticed the look of the room because I was to busy crying my eyes out.

It looked liked my room only it was like it was brought to the past it had that medieval look, I scowled, as I saw some large speakers and a high-tech looking sound system.

Ew. How tacky. It looked like some Goth's bed room.

There was a bag on the red and black four-post bed, I walked over and opened the bag,
there was a letter, obviously from Stefan

I opened it,

My Little Rowena,

Get dressed, dinner is at 8:00 pm sharp.

I rolled my eyes and dug my hand in the bag to fin what I need, black skinny jeans and a simple red shirt. I keep my combat boot on cause it looked cool.

I stared myself at the full length mirror my face was a mess, my hair was sticking out in different places, my eyes were red and puffy,

I sighed, it didn't bug me, it's not like I need to look good for anything, my life was slowly ending as I knew it.

There was a soft knock on the door, then I hear a 'click' the door gently swung open,

"Rowena?" Mikey's voice chimed in.

I turned my head, a smiled weakly at him,
"Please, call me Rowen, Rowena just brings back memories."

"Well Rowen, Father wants you down at the dinning room." He inquired,

I frowned a bit then sighed, "Okay."
I stood up and walked over to him, he placed a hand on the small of my back then led my downstairs to the dinning room.

"Ah! My little Rowena! Why the long face?" Stefan grinned as he poke his food with a fork,

I scowled, and sat on the far end of the long table,

A servant placed a plate in front of, it smelled good but I didn't feel like eating.

"Eat up! It's delicious!" He exclaimed as stuffed himself.

I sighed, tired of his stupid idiotic games, "Why am I here?"

"Hm?" He asked, confused as he chewed on.

"Why am I here?" I repeated, "I specifically remember you wanted Gerard back, and I didn't bring him, shouldn't I be dead know?"

He chuckled evilly, "Now that wouldn't be much fun wouldn't it?"

In a blink of an eye he was beside me,

"Gah!" I yelped, as I pressed my hand to my chest I felt my heart beat like a drum

"Did I scare you?" Stefan smirked,

I shook my head, "N-no"

He chuckled darkly again and brushed his cold fingers against my neck, "Do you know how much you look like your mother?"

I starred at him like he was a crazy man, "What are planning to do to me?"

His fingers roamed to a grip on my neck and I gasped,

"Soon my darling you'll know, but now I expect you to eat your dinner, alright?" His grip on my neck growing tighter and tighter.

I nodded and whimpered a 'yes'

He smiled and his grip loosened, "Good, now eat up!"

He kissed my cheek and he was gone.

I glared at my food as rubbed my neck.

He's fucking Bi-polar!
♠ ♠ ♠
So Gerard was there for about 5 seconds.

Sorry! :) but just wait I believe he will be in the chapters very soon.

Comments for Bi-polar vampires!!

Love you guys!!