Status: Sorry for the slow updates

Forbidden Sunrise


Alec's P.O.V:

Edgar had already left, following Gerard on to there so called, mission whatever the hell it is.

"Faster!" Vladamir commanded as I tried to chase him, when I finally caught to him I smirked but with a flash he was gone again,

"Hey! That's cheating!" I accused as I stopped glaring at him,

Vladamir stopped and chuckled, ruffling my black hair, I flicked him away,

"Ah, such a hot-headed one, that's not going to help at all," He said, as he made a dash again,

I groaned and chased him again, this was rather foolish, I mean what is he trying to do? I am already faster and stronger than any of the other vamp here, but then again Frank said, You're almost the same level as Stefan, The fucking bastard who started this mess.

"Yes!" I exclaimed as I finally caught him, Vladamir just smiled and fixed his coat, which I roughly pulled to catch him.

"Well," Vladamir grunted as his eyes darted to the other vamps who were sitting on the chairs watching us, he motioned to frank and he stood up handing him somthing in his hands,

I squinted my eyes to see, but it was just a tad bit to quick,

"Here," Vladamir handed me a very ancient looking stake, it even had ancient writing on it, "It's the same steak that Alexander used to kill Roana, are you sure you can do it?"

I nodded and ginned, "Sure! How hard can killing vampires be?"

Vladamir scowled, "I agree on you on that, but are you going to be fine on killing Rowen?"

What the hell did he say? "W-what?" I stuttered,

Vladamir looked at Frank, "I thought you told him,"

Frank shrugged, "I thought he knew."

"Knew about what? You didn't tell me anything!" I said, I looked at Kazaf he fidgeted a lot, like Rowen I knew him very well, it only meant that he was keeping something, it means he knows something about this--this whatever they're talking about, I looked at him in the eyes, his eyes were full of remorse.

"Tell me what is this is all about!" I demanded and they all winced, even Vladamir,

"Reincarnation, Stefan is going to reincarnate Roana through Rowen and she won't be well, herself anymore we don't know how to break the curse, so the only thing we can do is kill her"

I grimaced, "No--no NO!!, I can't! Isn't there another way? T-that seal thing that was said in the curse,"

"The seal of true sacrifice, Alec, we don't what the hell this seal is, I'm utterly sorry but--" I cut Vladamir off,

"NO! We've go to try!" I exclaimed,

Vladamir only shook his head, "I'm terribly sorry, really I am, but we can't take that chance Alec, there's no other way,"

I shook my head as I started to back away, "N-no.. I can't I--I I'm sorry,"
and with that I ran, I didn't know where the exit in this shit hole was so I just decided to hide somewhere here,

I slid on the wall, as I cradled my head, No
Of all the people, why Rowen?

If I was my old self, I would've hated being this monster, but things have changed, I loved being this, being stronger, faster, heck even smarter, but one thing that will never change, Rowen being my sister, even with out the twin thing she was still somehow connected to me,

I remembered the times, when I was human, it was very clear and vivid, Dad though I loved him, he was always had revenge on his mind, he never had time for family time, that's all he cared about, he was very pleased that Rowen wanted to join the whole revenge thing, Dad paid more attention to her, Dad tried to push me in, but of course I refused, and every year as I grew up, Dad always tried to push me, temp me, anything to make me apart of the 'crew' of revenge.

Of course again, I said no.

But Rowen, even though she was in with the revenge, she would never forget me, always telling me how her hunting trip was, hanging out with me, just being with me period. I had the best sister in the world. Every year on my birthday Dad always gave me hunting stuff, which again I refused, while Rowen always gave me wonderful stuff, like that easy bake oven when I turned 13 it was the best, 'cause I found out I had a thing for cooking. She was always there for me, more than anyone else.

I couldn't kill her, even if it wasn't her anymore, seeing those green eyes wide with fear as I staked her heart, I winced.

Rowen's P.O.V

I felt my life slowly wash away, but at the same time it felt good, because I'm doing this for a reason, for them. From the very start it was always for them.

I smiled as I lay in the dark, after this it's going to be fine for everyone, even though I didn't know how Stefan is gonna reincarnate Roana from me, I felt that when he did it my soul would be sent away, and my I would die, but I wasn't worried, I was going to die for love, and that's beautiful, Bella Morte


Someone wrapped his arms around which startled me,


"Shh, Rowena, it's just me," Stefan whispered huskily,

I sighed in relief, "What are you doing here?"

"Hm." was all he said as he wrapped his arms around me tighter.

I gulped, "W-what are you doing?"

Stefan smirked, "Celebration darling."

I fidgeted for I knew where this was going to lead. "P-please stop."

"No," he paused, "Do you remember Rowena? You're mine"

I grimaced, "Please, no."

"Sorry, no can do." He growled playfully, as breathed on my neck,

I knew where was this leading to, so prayed to good something would happen, but it nothing happen Stefan did what he pleased.

He was gone now, tears are still running down my face of the pain that he inflected on me, as I wrapped the blankets over my naked body.

I ran my fingers though my messy blonde hair, straightening the tangles,

I squeezed my eyes shut, all of the good feelings I felt about giving my self to Stefan was gone now, instead I felt the reason to ask why? Why? There was a billion people on the world, why did it had to be her life that God had to mess up? If everything happens for reason then what was the reason of doing this to me?

I shook my head, cursing myself of ever blaming God for all of this and wishing it was other instead of her for it was wrong.

Curling into a ball, I cried again, this was for all of them I kept telling myself as the I was enveloped into a slumber.
♠ ♠ ♠
SORRY! for the late update, my sister keeps barrowing my computer GRR!!
Anyway, hope you like Alec's P.O.V :) I thought it's good for something new.

Gerard will be on the nest chapter!! YAY!!


Love you guys!!! :)