Status: Sorry for the slow updates

Forbidden Sunrise

She wasn't Rowen anymore

Today is the day I thought as my eyes fluttered open, it was then I noticed I was on the bed, and the bottle of alcohol was tucked away in the corner, and the speaker was off, I cocked a brow, I oddly remember singing drunkenly and then and then nothing.

I groaned as I sat up, cradling I head,

"Good morning sunshine!!" Stefan chimed in, I cringed at the sound, Stefan laughed.

"So, are you ready?" Stefan asked,

I smiled weakly, "As if I have a choice,"
It was the perfect answer, as if I really had choice, if I 'no' it wouldn't really make a difference anyway.

"That's the spirit!" Stefan gleamed, "Claudine!" He called out, and a odd french woman peered in the room.

"Oui, le maƮtre?" Claudine replied, [Yes, Master?]

Stefan groaned, "God, I wish you spoke English, anyway, I want you to take care of my little Rowena today, you'll be the one to take care of her dress, alright?"

Claudine scowled, "Oui," [yes]

"That's 'yes' in English right?" Stefan asked, unsure.

I and Claudine barked a laugh,

Stefan scowled, "Just do your work," and with that he left, slamming the door.

"What an ignorant fool!" Claudine queered, with an accent as she spoke.

I stared at Claudine, "So you do speak English?"

Claudine smirked, "Of course, Stefan is just an idiot to believe I don't"

I couldn't help but laugh, it was true Stefan was a fool but I frowned, "Aren't you afraid, that he might kill you for doing that?"

Claudine chuckled, "You silly girl, what he doesn't know, won't hurt me."

I shrugged, "So what's going on today?"

Claudine laughed, "Oh you don't know?"

I shook my head, I wasn't paying attention to whatever was happening in my life anymore, whatever may happen, just let it happen, I didn't own my life anymore anyway.

Claudine laughed again, "This is the day that Roana will be brought from the dead, honey."

MY eyes bulged, "You mean this the day, that Roana will be reincarnated through me?"

Claudine smirked, "Yup, you scared?"

I thought about it for a moment, this was the day that my soul will be taken away, the day that someone Else's soul was going to linger in my body. Was I scared? or Was she I to be scared? But at that moment I didn't feel anything, she felt numb, I just wanted this to be over with.

"No, why should I be?" Rowen snapped,

Claudine raised her hands defensively, "Okay, no need to be snappy about it! But still, though, I'm on the side of evil..I mean err Stefan, aren't you worried about the one's you love?"

I gave out a throaty laugh, "All I could ever think about is them,"

She gave me a confused look, then shrugged, "There's on word that can describe you,"
She paused and smiled, "Selfless."

I smiled back,

She clasped her hands, "Well are you ready to give up your life?"

I frowned, and nodded.

Good bye


Gerard's P.O.V

A fidgeted, as I straightened my tie, I was ready for the ceremony, but I wasn't ready on what was happening, I glanced at my watch 9:24pm, I was damn anxious.

Alec, Hurry up! my mind screamed, but before I could thing straight, there was a horn that signaled, it was time.

I gulped as I walked into the ball room, there was a altar in the middle of the room, with a brass cup and a knife on the side, and cremation vase, that enscribed, 'Roana'

My eyes grew wide, Roana's Ashes.

I roughly placed the mask that only cover half of my face, that Stefan asked for us all to put on, the ceremony sort a looked like a masquerade ball.

"Welcome to the night my life will be complete!" Stefan's voice chimed in, I looked up to him, he was wearing a nice tux, and a red mask it suited him well,

"May I present, our main attraction," Stefan smiled, "My little Rowena!"

Rowen walked on the staircase, again she looked breathtaking, she was wearing a gold and white 18th century gown, it suited her well, he hair was up on the same fashion, but I frowned as I saw her face, thought she wore a gold mask, it still didn't hide the sorrow in her eyes.

Stefan grinned and clasped his hands, "On the strike of 10 the ceremony will begin! But for now, let us enjoy for a while shall we?"

Stefan gently pushed Rowen to the stairs, motioning her to dance with the others as he had some work to do, Rowen nodded quickly and descend down the stairs,

I took this as the opportunity to stop her decision and maybe get things right for a change,

"May I have this dance m'lady?" I asked politely offering my hand.

Rowen hesitated for a moment, and whipped her head around to check for Stefan, when she saw he wasn't in sight, she smiled gently at me and took my hand.

There was a modern song playing in the background she scowled at that as her eyes darted at the very nice stereo system we had,

"Is there a problem?" I asked with a smile as I swayed her around,

"Your ball is freakin' tacky" She criticized,

I chuckled and she frowned,

"But I think you didn't just ask me to dance to know about that," She stated calmly,

Dang, how the hell?

"Alright, you caught me," I said, with a soft smile,

She was still frowning, "You can't change it, Gerard. I want to do this."

I shook my head, "You can't!"

"I have to, It's for you."

"Here you go again, about it's all for you shit, no Rowen no, I can take care of myslef I don't need your sympathy." I snapped,

She just starred at me, emotionless, "This isn't just for you Gerard," She paused and leaned in my ear, "Stefan was going to hurt your wife and son."

With the sound of the words I looked at her, in her fearless yet sorrowful eyes,

"Rowen, you don't understand, I don't care for them anymore," I paused to look at her now horrified expression, I continued, "You see, after a week when I was turned I decided to go back, and maybe to explain it to them, what happened to me, but when I came back, my wif was with another man, Chester, one of my closest friends, and the truth was he was my son's real father, no wonder my son had blue eyes, but both my Wife and I had hazel" I admitted bitterly,

Rowen cupped my face with her hand, she kissed my cheek, "No matter what the hell happened, they were still your family, and one day, when they suddenly disappear, you'll feel loss, and I don't want you ever to feel that 'cause you are on of the people that mean so much to me,"

I hugged her tightly an to my surprise she hugged me back, "But if you go I'll feel loss Rowen, you're more important to me now, more than them."

She smiled thoughtfully at me, her eyes flared with emotion, "Your just saying that, I really don't mean anything to you, I'm not the one for you,"

I wanted to protest but Stefan's booming voice interrupted us,

"It is time." Stefan said simply as the whole room that was once illuminated turned pitch black, only the light of candles on the altar were only shown,

Rowen nodded and stared at me, and kissed my lips for the last time,

"So long and goodnight," She whispered as she walked away,

A tear ran down my cheek as I watched her go, once again I felt defenseless, it was too late,


"Tonight will be the night of fulfillment! The night that this curse that was cast upon me will be lifted," Stefan stated as Rowen walked to his side, her eyes were back to emotionless.

Stefan grabbed the cup and the knife, he stretched his hand and sliced his hand, letting the his blood drip into the cup,

he then grabbed the vase that was filled with ashes and poured it's contents in the cup, Stefan looked back at Rowen with a huge grin.

"Now Rowena, give me your hand." Stefan demanded.

Rowen didn't hesitate as she gave her hand, Stefan sliced hardly on her plam which made me twitch, Rowen squeezed her hand slightly causing her sweet blood to drip in the cup,

"It is ready," Stefan smiled, as he gave Rowen the cup, "Now, drink it."

This time Rowen hesitated as she stared at the cup in her hands,

"Rowen--" but before he could finish his sentence something broke through our roof,

"Ahh, having a party? Why the hell didn't you invite me?" A voice queered,

We all whipped out heads, as ray of hope burned inside me, Frank, Ray, Bob, Edgar, Kazaf, and Alec were here!

"Get them," Stefan hissed,

as the many servants lounged at the guys, Alec mad it look like a piece of cake as he he hit every vampire that came to him without a flinch.

The hope inside me, grew more, but it all faded as I heard giggling,

We whipped our heads to see Rowen wiping the excess blood on her mouth as she gleamed at us,

"Whatcha looking at?" She asked as she walked to us, I furrowed my eyebrows as her look seemed to changed, the dress seemed more fitted on her and did she grew taller?

Her eyes filled with the same hatred Dear God!

She wasn't Rowen anymore. She was Roana.
♠ ♠ ♠
GAH!! SHIT! =|

Not yet the End


Love you guys.