Status: Sorry for the slow updates

Forbidden Sunrise

She's more dangerous than me! Can you believe that?

Gerard's P.O.V
I walked out briskly. Giving a quick goodbye.
If my dead heart was still alive it would've quickened by fear.

I ran as fast as I could to the forest.
I stopped and my rage overwhelmed me. "GAAAHH!!!" I screeched.
I kept on screaming grabbing some rocks and throwing them randomly at trees.
Making a dent in them.
Why? Why her? Why did the world have to choose her to be a hunter?
More dangerous a vampire hunter!!
I kicked a tree giving another dent.
"WHY!?!" I screamed up in the heavens
"Is this what you want?!! Me miserable?!? If everything in this stupid excuse for a world happens for a reason and my second chance for living has a reason..then what the hell is it?!?! If she's not the reason then what is!!? HUH?! People dying!? Is that what the reason is?! Well your damned! WE'RE ALL DAMNED!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs hoping that God would hear me, but alas I just made a fool of myself.
As if anyone could hear me
I kicked the tree as hard as I could making it snap like a twig.
I sighed and walked slowly back home.
My thoughts bubbled of Rowen's sadden expression and how I hurt her of leaving quickly without a reason. Guilt build inside me.
I quickly shook it off. Why would I sympathize the enemy clan?
Especially her kind. She said she came home from Italy.
Italy. The place with one of the most greatest and prestigious vampire hunters.
She was probably trained there making her a very great threat to me, even more my coven.
But the way I feel about her hasn't changed a bit. Could it be that I simply don't care?
No! Wrong! I should care! She's more dangerous than me! Can you believe that?
She could snap me like a twig with her pinky finger.
I groaned even though the several life threatening thoughts of her killing it still had no effect on me what so ever.
"Rowen.." I whispered her name and the weird tingly feeling overwhelmed me again.
I stopped at my tracks and I realized something.
The tingly feeling I get when I'm with her or when I say her name. It was then that I knew what that feeling was.
I cannot stay away from Rowen.

I ran as fast as I could home.
I opened the door quickly and slammed it shut.
Only to be greeted by my younger brother, Mikey "Hey Gee! Where have you been?" He asked smiling.
"I had dinner with Rowen." My eyed widened for I didn't think of my words before I said it.
Mikey's face turned a bright red Uh-oh here comes the sermon."Rowen? A human!? Gerard do you know how much trouble you could get by doing that? Oh God! Father's gonna throw a tantrum when he finds out about th-" I cut him off by putting my hand on his mouth.
"MHHiimmmmff!!!" He squealed
"Shut up okay!? Father doesn't have to know about this." I whispered.
He wiggled and I released my grip.
"What do you mean Father doesn't have to know about this!?" said Mikey narrowing his eyes.
"Mikey, please" I begged.
He glared.
"Please Mikey! I'm begging you! Please! Please.. don't let Father know about this!!" I went down my knees and clasped my hands.
He crossed his arms and gave a 'hmmpf' sound "Very well Gerard, but you owe me a big"
I smiled and stood up and he walked away.

That night I hunted till I was so full of blood it could last for many weeks.
I perched on a tree outside of Rowen's window.
I know it sounds kind of like twilight but it's the only thing I can't think of being romantic.
I listened carefully to hear shallow breathing, it was like a relaxing music to me.
It was true. I didn't care what she was, all I knew now was that I was unconditionally in love with her.

♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry if today's update took so long :D It was Christmas and I had to spend time with my family and it was awesome!!
Anyway, comments and subscribers would be loved.
*Gets down on knees* Please?