Status: Sorry for the slow updates

Forbidden Sunrise

No. It can't be.

Rowen's P.O.V

"Gerard don't go please.." I begged.
"I'm sorry I just have to" His voice velvet.
"Why?" I whimpered.
"It's complicated."
"Please?" I begged harder.
He sighed. "Like I said it's complicated. If you really knew what I really was you wouldn't want me to stay"
I was gonna say something but he was already walking away, but he stopped and looked back at me and flashed a huge grin
My eyes went wide as I saw sharp vampire like teeth.
I shook my head "No. It can't be."
He shrugged "I'm sorry Rowen"
He was holding something in his hands, I squinted my eyes.
I gasped it was a stake he lifted it to his heart.
"NO! Please God! Don't!!" I yelled.
He smiled that crooked smile at me as he plunged the stake through his heart.
He didn't scream he just smiled as he exploded into ashes.
"NO!! Gerard!!" I ran to his ashes but the wind blew him away.
I tripped and fell and didn't even try to get up.
"NOOOO!!" I yelled and sobbed.
I reached for the stake that he used. It was just a foot away from me.
I held close as I sobbed more..

I gasped, sitting up and looked around it was just a dream. The very scariest.
I held my forehead and realized I was sweating and that my face was streaming with tears.
I inhaled deeply as there was a knock on my door.
"Rowen? Rowen are you okay?" Alec asked through my door.
"Yeah. I'm fine. Don't worry about me, go back to bed Alec" I whispered
I heard his door close signaling he was gone.
I finally exhaled and looked out the window.
There was weird shadow striking though it.
"What the hell?" I muttered
i stood up and walked to my window roughly moving the curtains, but all I saw was an owl perched up in the tree in front of my window.
I must be imagining things.
Then again, the memory of my dream lingered in my thoughts as I shivered.
This is gonna be stupid but, "Gerard?" I half whispered
No Answer
"Gerard, you out here?" I asked again through the darkness.
The owl hooted which made me jump.
I groaned. I am imagining things.
I closed the windows as well as the curtains.
A sigh was the last thing that came from my mouth as I fell asleep again.

The light stroke though my window.
Guess I didn't close the curtain properly, but I coudl've swore..
Nah. I was half awake then anyway.
I opened my eyes and sat up, stretching as I stood up in the bathroom.
I went downstairs after I brushed my teeth, brushed my hair and got dressed.
I smiled as I saw Dad at the dinning table.
"Morning guys" I muttered.
Dad and Alec nodded as they passed me a plate with scrambled eggs on it.
Alec gave me that You-are-so-gonna-tell-me-what-happened-last-night look
While Dad quietly read his paper.
The silence annoyed me.
"Soo..Dad we hunting tonight?" I asked trying to break it.
"Yep." Was all Dad said and we were eaten by silence again.
I sighed and finished my breakfast.

The Time moved numbly as I impatiently waited for twilight.
As it finally came I was already set.
Before I knew we were already fighting 4 vampires. It was a challenge but no vampire can ever oppose me.
Again, they were only nomads. I was getting more and more impatient I wanted to fight the Avventura coven now.
"It's done, let's drink the antidote, Rowen" Dad queered.
I nodded and reached in my pocket.
I was about to open the bottle when I heard something strange.
I looked up opening my senses.
"Somethings here dad, I can feel it" I muttered but Dad already drank his antidote.
I sighed, figures.
Since Dad was a tad bit more skilled than I was. I knew there was a slight chance we might lose if I fought alone. If it was a coven, but I'm not taking any chances I pulled Dad close and ran with my supernatural speed to reach home.
♠ ♠ ♠
Chapter 8!! :3 comments and subscribe pwease!?
*grovels* PWEASE??