Status: Sorry for the slow updates

Forbidden Sunrise

Story of the avventura coven

Gerard's P.O.V

Rowen opened the windows roughly as I climbed to the roof so she won't see me.
I held my breath. Gotta keep quiet.
This is one of the stupidest thing I've ever done, but I think I love her. Wait. No. Not just think I know.
"Gerard?" She half yelled half whispered.
Does she know I'm out here? Does she know what I am?
My Dead wouldv'e beat not of fear but by the way she said my name.
"Gerard, you out here?" She asked through the darkness again.
Again, my Dead heart felt like it would explode.
I heard an owl hoot and she groaned, closing the window quietly.
I waited for half an hour. I heard her shallow breathing again.
I got back on the tree again and pushed the window as quiet as I can and pushed back the curtains.
I jumped making a inaudible thud when I landed on the floor.
I saw the small form on the bed. Comforters on the floor, a sheet was tangled on her legs.
I smiled as she tossed and turned.
This was a stupid thing she was dangerous. Ha. Funny isn't it? Shouldn't I be the one who's dangerous?
What can I say when your in love nothing's gonna stop you, but then again loving someone who will Never love you back because of what you are is big one downer.
Could a dead heart break again?
"Gerard" Rowen said all to clearly as if she was awake.
I froze. Does she know I'm here?
She mumbled something else and tossed again.
I gave out a sigh of relief, That was close.
"Gerard..Please..please don't go! I don't care what you are!" She mumbled and tossed again.
A wide grin plastered on my face. She was dreaming about me! A dream! not a nightmare! and she didn't care what I am in her dream!
It was now that I wondered what was she dreaming about me.
"Gerard," She repeated.
I waited for her to continue.
"Gerard, Credo che vi ama" She muttered softly. [Gerard, I think I love you]
I froze at her words she really did? Oh. My. God.
Can Dead heart beat again?

As morning came I still watched her.
She tossed again. She was about to wake up! Shit!
I flung myself onto the ceiling
She sat up and stretched and looked at the window with a confused look.
I mentally slapped. I didn't close the window properly!
Dammit! But she didn't even seem to care as she went downstairs.
Being the eavesdropping-guy that I am, I overheard her and her Dad's conversation.
She and her Dad are going hunting! Woopee! Note the Sarcasm.
Good thing I hunted a lot last night so I won't need to hunt and be killed by love. Those that sound weird?

I landed back on the floor and swiftly got out of her room and ran back to my home.

Rowen's P.O.V
I sighed and chugged the bottle. The strange power within me disappeared with a shudder.
"Dad?" I said through the darkness.
"Yea?" Dad replied. Fumbling his keys to open the door.
"Uh. Can vampires go out in the sunlight?" I said quietly.
Dad gave out a throaty laugh and I glared.
"Dad, I'm serious!" I pushed.
He wiped imaginary tears.
"Okay, okay, Actually they can well some can't but the avventura can go in sunlight because of a spell."
"Spell? as in magic spell? as in made by witches or warlocks? " I asked bewildered.
Again, Dad gave out a laugh.
I glared again.
"Yea dear. You see a hundred years ago the Avventura coven didn't exist, it was created by a vampire named Edmund Way." Dad explained.
"Edmund? Not very vampire-ish don't you think?" I snorted.
Dad rolled his eyes. "D'you want me to tell you the story or not?"
I kept quiet.
"Okay, well Edmund fell madly in love with this girl you see and would do anything just to be with her. For she was human."
I gasped. A Vampire fallen in love with a human? How absurd. It's not right and the human fell in love with him too?
I shook my head, but still kept quiet waiting for Dad to continue.
"Anyway, Edmund begged a coven of witches to grant him the power to be immuned to sunlight, the witches agreed and granted his wish. Edmund and the girl were happy together and made a family of there own it got bigger and bigger until it became a coven, but back then the coven was based on good that's why it was called Avventura for it was italian for.--"

"Romance" I muttured cutting him off. That was the only italian word that dad knew. Funny really.
Dad nodded "Yes Romance, but the son of Edmund's third son. Grew angry at the world for he did not find a lover like his brother's and sisters. That's why he became spoiled and murderous and killed half of the coven and making his own minions, but one day that son found the love of his life and she was a human and she love him as well, but after a few years something changed. The woman didn't feel anything for the vampire anymore, that's why she got married and started a family, but the vampire..being his arrogant self tried to turn the woman so they can be together forever but something went wrong and..." Dad trailed of not wanting to unravel the thread of his memories.
"She died" I said my voice hoarse.
Dad inhaled and nodded.
I knew dad was talking about Stefan and his selfish being, but something deep inside me felt sorry for him. I mean he had mom first, but then again it was mom's choice leave him and start a new life but still
"Well darling it's getting cold, I think we should better get inside" Dad's voice jerked me out of my thoughts as I nodded and went inside.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, Gerard's not there much but the next chapter is gonna be full on Gerard and Rowen nothing perverted FYI but you know things are revealed tihihihih.
Comments and subscriptions would be loved :)