Status: Ahh! Will update more soon!

Living In the Stomach of the Beast

A lot of what we look for in life is something we know we can’t have. Sometimes you don’t know that what you want is standing right in front of you, waiting for you to put the pieces together. Some people think that anything that goes on in High school doesn’t count besides the grades. The friends you make, your loves, your enemies. They just cease to exist once you’ve gone and graduated. But if that’s true, why do we worry our ity little teenage lives away worrying about them? Because we’re hoping for more. We’re hoping for a friend who’ll stick with you always and no matter what. For a romance strong enough to pass into adulthood. For an enemy that will go to the same college so they can try something stupid that gets them kicked out. We’re hoping, because we’re scared. One little mistake could cost you your friends, your hopes, your reputation, your love. We’re paranoid little busybodies who are always trying to be, to have something we can’t. I guarantee you, every single clique, big or small, has a fake. A wannabe, a phony, an odd one out. Whatever you want to call them. And for some reason, most teenagers are okay with it. They don’t realize that their life is a living hell until that one day when their “life” goes down the drain. The moment when they reveal the fake, break up with their insignificant other, or get publically humiliated. The sad truth, the very, very sad truth, is that it doesn’t matter. We go through hell plus an education, when half of it won’t matter after you graduate. It’s life in the stomach of the beast. One day you’re doing fine, the next, you’re being digested.
Basically, High school sucks. But let’s try to stick to the happily-ever-after side of the story, shall we?