Status: Updates will be slow and irregular. Sorry.

Frightened Blue Eyes

Chapter 10

The door bell rang. Toby jumped slightly and blushed. I grinned, paused the game and stood up.

“Come on, that’ll be your brother.” Toby smiled and followed me downstairs. Louise was stood by the door talking to Max. as usually she had a small lolly pop in her mouth as she talked, June always got very annoyed about that. Max had a shall back pack over his shoulder, he fidgeted with the strap as he talked to Louise. I stood still half way down the stairs as Toby slipped past me.

“Hi Max.” Toby said softly. Max grinned and hugged him.

“Hay Toby. How are you?”

“I’m fine.” Toby’s smile was lovely. Max looked slightly confused but nodded. He looked up at me. It was nice to see Toby look so comfortable but I was ever so slightly jealous that he was still wrapped up in another boys arms, even if the other boy was his brother.

“I’ve got your stuff.” Max smiled as he released Toby from his tight hug. Toby smiled happily and took the bag from his brother. “If you need anything call me.” Max said a slight desperation filled his eyes as Toby bounced excitedly over to me.

Max’s P.O.V.

How had this happened, my baby brother, my tiny, shy, terrified little baby brother, was happily skipping off to his first sleepover in god knows how long with a guy he only met a few days ago? How could this have possibly happened? Nicky, was stood on the stairs, his hand pressed to Toby’s back as he passed by and Toby only smiled.

“Come on let’s get your things set up.” Nicky said softly, a small caring smile slid onto his face as he looked at my brother. My blood boiled. I knew it was irrational, I should be happy that Toby’s got a friend, but I didn’t want Toby to find some one to replace me, how many teenage boys get on openly with their brothers? I didn’t want to lose him. Nicky’s hand pressed to the wall behind Toby, trapping him, blocking him from me. a lump found its way into my throat. I was going to lose him.

Toby’s P.O.V.

Wow this was amazing, I was going to have a sleepover with an angel. I could hardly breath. Nicky helped me set up the camp bed that I would be sleeping on before we went back to our game.

“Boys, it’s time for dinner.” June called up the stairs. I smiled and followed Nicky down to the dinning room. Louise was wondering round laying the table, she smiled as we walked in.

It was strange listening to all the conversation. Nicky would go on and on about nothing in particular, then Louise would say something totally random and the conversation would change. June and Nicky’s dad would talk quietly to themselves as and occasionally comment on something Nicky had said. I sat in silence and listened. They all seemed to fit together perfectly. They were the perfect family. I smiled, I had to be doing something right or they wouldn’t let me stay in their perfect lives for very long.
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It's not very long, but it's there, hope you like it.

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