Status: Updates will be slow and irregular. Sorry.

Frightened Blue Eyes

Chapter 12

I sat on the computer chair in Max’s room, gazing absentmindedly into space. It was nice not to have to worry about school the next day. I would have someone to talk to and I wouldn’t get hit as much, hopefully. I bit my lip as I thought about the weekend. Nicky had asked me to go to the cinema with him.

“Max, what if…” Max cut me off

“Come on Toby, Nicky isn’t going to do anything in a public place. He actually has a brain. We’ve been through this before.” Max said as he through a ball of scrunched up paper at my head.

“Knob.” I hissed as I left his room. I felt thick arms wrap round me and lift me off the ground.

“You don’t call me a knob Toby. I’ve been nice to you, so you are going to me nice to me.” He grinned as he dropped me onto his bed. “Now you are going to apologise or I’m going to tell mum you and Nicky have been fucking on my bed.” I blinked at him and blushed bright red as images of Nicky naked filled my mind.

“We have not fucked anywhere! Let alone your bed.” I muttered as he began to tickle me.

“I know that, but mum doesn’t.”

“You wouldn’t! Oh my god you basted you so would!” I screamed as he continued to tickle me.

“What did I say about being nice to me?”

“OKAY, okay. I’m sorry Max.” I gasped, I could hardly breath.

“Good. Now my dear little brother, you have nothing to worry about. Nicky is nice, he won’t do anything you don’t want him to do.” There was a short pause. “But saying that, you what him to do a lot to you.” He grinned. I blushed and hid my face. “I blame the hormones, you never used to be this horny.” I screamed in embracement.

“Max! I’m not horny!” He just laughed.

“You want to kiss him.” He whispered, “You want him to hooooold you.” He dragged out the o. “You want to fuck him.” Max paused then grinned. “No you don’t, you want him to fuck you. My little brother is a bottom and a very submissive one.” He laughed so hard he fell of the bed. I pouted.

“Don’t make up stories Max, it’s not nice.” I said in my best imitation of Mums voice. Max grinned at me then pouted like a scolded child.

“Sorry Mummy.” His sniffed as he tried to hold back the laughter. I grinned and jumped off the bed.

“Come on, dinner will be ready soon.” I grabbed Max by the wrist and dragged him down stairs. Mum was just about to plate up when we walked into the kitchen. She smiled at us as we sat down. Max grinned and kicked me gently under the table. I pouted and hit him playfully.

“Come on boys, no play fighting at the table.” Mum smiled at us. I smiled back and Max grinned before shoving me when mum turned her back. I smiled and tucked into the large pile of mashed potatoes in front of me. For the first time in a while life was good. “How were your days boys?” Max waved his fork, as his eyes went wide. He swallowed quickly and launched into an in depth description of football training. I smiled, he was such a boy. Obsessed with football, girls and sex, he eats like a pig and didn’t tidy up. I chuckled softly to myself. I was so lucky he was my brother. “Toby, how about you? Did you get a lot of homework?” I shook my head.

“No mum, no homework. Today was good. Oh can I go out Saturday please?” I smiled softly and blinked at mum. She was sat frozen just staring at me. Max was in silent hysterics next to me. “What?” I asked beginning to feel a little uncomfortable.

“Toby love is everything okay at school? you haven’t had a nice word to say about it in years, you aren’t hiding something from me are you?”

“No mum, school has just picked up a bit. Anyway can I go out on Saturday?” I asked again. Mum frowned at me.

“You haven’t wanted to go out in ages. Are you sure you’re okay? You’ve suddenly changed a lot in a small space of time. You are being sensible, you aren’t doing drugs are you?” I blinked.

“No.” rolled my eyes. as if I would do drugs, even if I wanted to, no one would sell them to me. Max snorted.

“Toby on drugs, we are talking about the same person aren’t we? My tiny little baby brother, Toby? He would never go near drugs. Come on mum making new friend does wonders for a person.” Mum looked sceptical.

“Okay Toby love, you can go out on Saturday, but be very careful.” I smiled. “You can go and do your homework now. Max help clean up.” Max groaned and rolled his eyes. I slid out of the kitchen and sat down on the bottom of the stairs, I just knew they would start talking about me.

“Max, honey I want you to keep an eye out for your brother, he’s very vulnerable, I don’t want him making friends with the wrong sort. I want to meet this Nicky boy, I don’t want him having a negative influence on my baby.”

“Mum, I’ve meet Nicky and his family, they’re really nice you don’t have anything to worry about. But I will keep an eye on him.”

“You don’t think that his sudden change is attention seeking, you don’t think he’s missing his dad?” I heard a snort of laughter.

“Mum, Toby hates Dad nearly as much as he hates school. Of cause he doesn’t miss the twat.”

“Max! Don’t use that language.”

“Sorry.” I sighed. And stomped upstairs, making enough noise to tell mum I had heard everything. Max of cause would already know. I slammed my bedroom door and flopped onto my bed. I let a few angry tears escape and I couldn’t stop the rest. There was a soft nock at the door.

“Toby love, can I come in?” Mum asked. I growled into my pillow.

“No!” there were muffled sounds of foot steps, then another nock.

“Toby mate, can I…?” I opened the door before he could finish. “Hay, you still doing good?” I shrugged and slumped back onto my bed.

“Close the door.” Max did as I asked then came to sit on my bed. “How could she think I could possibly miss him? He’s a fucking homophobe! That’s why I stopped going to see him in summer.”

“Hay I know. She’s just worried about you, you have changed very quickly Toby. She doesn’t know you’ve fallen madly in love with the new boy and he’s just asked you out to the cinema. You should probably tell her that you like Nicky.”

“No! She would flip out. If it goes anywhere I’ll tell her.” Max nodded and hugged me before leaving, closing the door behind him.
♠ ♠ ♠
That was longer than expected.

A little bit of brotherly love, it's good for the spirit.

Any comments?