Status: Updates will be slow and irregular. Sorry.

Frightened Blue Eyes

Chapter 13

“So half an hour until the film, what do you want to do?” I asked as we walked away from the ticket booth. Toby shrugged and smiled slightly.

“We could go and buy some food. I mean cinema food is a total rip off.” He pouted and crossed his arms and I couldn’t help but laugh. He was just the cutest person ever, he was so amazing. I reached over and patted his back. He looked up at me and smiled.

“Calm down, we’ll go and get some cheep food, then come back. but we have to buy popcorn, even if we just throw it at people.” Toby grinned.

“Good! I’m not going to eat that stuff, it tastes like cardboard.”

“How do you know what cardboard tastes like?” I asked playfully as I jogged away from the no doubt violent response to my comment. Toby gasped in mock offence before running after me. His arms circled my shoulders before he pulled me into a loose headlock. He let me go and shoved me good naturedly into a wall.

“You’re a dick head. I do not eat cardboard, it’s just a figure of speech.” I ginned and took his hand.

“I know baby I couldn’t resist it.” He blushed furiously, before he could respond I pulled him into the nearest shop. I let go of his had reluctantly as we drew level with the chocolate.

P.O.V. Change

He just called me baby! Oh my god he just called me baby and I loved it. Wow, I felt so wonderful having him say that. I bit my lip but I couldn’t hold back the smile, he called me baby, he likes me, he actually called me baby and he held my hand. Wow, I wonder if he’ll kiss me, that would be nice, I’d like to be kissed. I wonder what it would be like to be kissed by him. I sighed helplessly as he drew level with the chocolate. Nicky let go of my hand, his fingers lingered for a second longer than necessary on mine.

“What do you want? I’ll pay.” He said softly, his voice seemed a little shaky and his eyes were shiny when he looked at me. I want to kiss him so badly. I swayed slightly as I debated weather or not to lean in and kiss him right there and then. “Toby, baby? Are you okay? What do you want?”

“Oh, umm I don’t mind.” I said quickly, I blushed and looked at my feet. He called me baby again. That silly little smile touched my lips again as he took my hand and led me over to the counter.

“Back to the cinema.” He cheered. He began to run dragging me along behind him.

We sat down in out sets at the back of the cinema. Nicky had a large box of popcorn in his lap and an evil grin on his face. I bit my lip and dropped my gaze down to my hands folder neatly in my lap. The lights dimmed and I shifted, I could feel Nicky so close to me. I glanced up at him, he grinned at me just before he flicked a handful of popcorn at the woman three rows in front of us. She turned round but didn’t see us. I covered my mouth quickly with both hands to hold back the laughter. Nicky smiled happily at me before turning to watch the film. I reached over and took my own handful of popcorn. Nick raised his eyes brows at me, I smiled shyly back. He lent over so his lips were almost touching my ear and he whispered,

“Him.” He pointed at a young man with a large tattoo snaking up the back of his neck. I bit my lip and looked at Nicky. He smiled. “Go for it.” I took a deep breath and released the popcorn. It showered down over the man with the tattoo, He jumped up and glowered round at everyone in the cinema before calmly sitting back down again. I let out a shaky breath and collapsed into silent giggles, I looked at Nicky who looked back.

“That was fun.” I grinned and turned back to the film. Half an hour or so later a yawn creped up on me. I blinked several times and covered my mouth with both hands.

“Sleepy?” Nicky asked softly a small chuckle snuck into his whisper. I blushed as I stifled another yawn. The warm darkness of the cinema and the slight flickering of the film made me very sleepy. “Come here.” Nick said with a smile, he slid his arm round my shoulders and pulled slightly so my head dropped onto his shoulder. I smiled and snuggled into his warmth.

P.O.V. Change

My breath hitched as his soft hair brushed my neck. His head rested gently on my shoulder as he snuggled closer to me. I bit my lip as a silly love sick smile arrived on my lips. His breathing began to slow and his head became heavier as he drifted off to sleep. I sighed and settled down to watch the rest of the film. It was wonderful to have him finally feel comfortable enough around me to sleep on my shoulder. I sighed happily and buried my nose in his hair. I closed my eyes and tried to remember everything about that moment.

The film ended and people began to move. I stayed perfectly still with Toby still fast asleep on my shoulder. I sighed as the credits rolled past, I didn’t want to wake him up. I looked down at his sleeping form and smiled. We would have to move soon anyway. I nudged him gently.

“Toby? Come on Toby wake up.” He yawned and blinked up at me.

“Did I sleep through the film?” I nodded and smiled.

“You didn’t miss much. It wasn’t a very good film.” I smiled and stood up. “Time to go. Your brother will be wanting you home soon.” Toby sighed and followed me out of the cinema. He stumbled on the last step and fell into my arms.

“Sorry.” He murmured. “I’m still half asleep.” I smiled and slipped my arm round his waist to keep him up right. He smiled and rested his head on my shoulder once again. We walked out into the bright light of the entrance hall. Max and Louise were stood by the doors waiting for us. Toby sighed as we walked over to them.

“Hay Toby. How was everything?” Max asked as he looked us up and down. Toby smiled and blushed slightly.

“Good until I fell asleep in the cinema.” He giggled. Max grinned. Louise smiled softly at me before opening the door and walking out.

“Time to go home.” She sang softly as she skipped down the steps. Toby smiled and stayed close to me. Max looked back over his shoulder at us, a slight frown covering his features, before he turned back to Louise and the two of them started talking about something. Toby sighed heavily, his eyes began to droop.

“Stay awake for a little bit longer.” I smiled as I spoke. Toby looked up at me and smiled sleepily.

“Will do.” He said round a yawn. “Anything for you.”
♠ ♠ ♠
I want your thoughts!

(that was not meant to be as creepy as it sounded. :)