Status: Updates will be slow and irregular. Sorry.

Frightened Blue Eyes

Chapter 17

“Mum, Toby has a boyfriend!” Max yelled as soon as we stepped through the front door. There was a clatter from the kitchen and mum came running out. Max laughed loudly and bolted upstairs.

“You have no tact Max! I really hate you sometimes.” I yelled as I dropped my bags down by the door. Mum fidgeted as I walked into the living room.

“Is it true then love, do you, umm, do you have a boyfriend.” I looked up and nodded. “Oh. Is he nice?” I nodded and turned the TV on.

“Yes mum, he’s nice. He’s handsome and kind and clever and he cares about me.” Mum sat down and turned the TV off. She took my hand and looked me in the eyes.

“I want you to know, Toby love, I’ll always be there for you.”

“I know. And before you ask we haven’t done anything and I will be careful.” Mum blushed and stood up. She smiled at me before leaving quickly.

“Well I’m glad that’s settled. I love you.” She paused at the bottom of the stairs. “Max, it’s not nice to tell your brothers secrets for him.” I grinned as Max moaned.

“What! He wouldn’t have told you, you know that don’t you.”

“I so would have told Max!” I yelled.

I padded up the stairs and kicked Max’s door hard as I passed it. There was a loud grunt from inside followed by a crash. I giggled and closed my own door before Max could kill me.

“Toby you little bastard, why the hell did you kick my fucking door?” I grinned as a ruffled Max walked into my room. He shifted uncomfortably as I continued to grin at him. “What?”

“Was someone pleasuring them self?” I asked innocently, Max went bright red and gaped at me.

“What? No, of course not, why would I be… Hay you didn’t answer my question!” I giggled and hid behind a pillow for protection.

“Because you told mum about Nicky then buggered off! She nearly gave me the talk, again!” Max roared with laughter before collapsing onto my bed. I smiled softly as he laughed, it was nice having someone to talk to about anything.

“So when, if ever do you and you beloved Nicky plan of terrifying mum and doing the nasty?” I grinned and hit him playfully as a small blush filled my cheeks.

“Like you said Maxi, I will wait until I’m ready and not spread my legs as soon as I’m too drunk to remember.”

“Yuck.” Max screwed up his face. “Toby I do not want images of my little brother being fucked senseless, it’s not a pleasant picture.”

“Your fault, you asked.” I giggled before screaming and diving for safety under a pile of pillows as Max attacked.
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